Show I New Yorks Biggest Bank The iniMeusc of the < iiy hunks slmrcs to SWflOOOOO anti Its surplus to lfi00 000 makes it the lurgtrsL in the oonntry But It in still no advance ipon profit hanks of the past and Is far behind other oth-er Institutions sit the present day The amount of banking uhlch can be done in one locality has limits and our lawS forbids hramh banks I3ut for this we might rxpcet In this city with its genius for mersermakinft the greatest great-est of all banks SonuihliiK like n mer ger docs exist In the alliance of the Llty bank xvlth nearly twenty other strong financial Institutions But with large capital and high repute for solid ity Home of the Scottish banks arc do infc an enormous business In a anall < untry through the possession of from 100 lo 00 brancliOH each Still greater are the worldfumed na tional and International I hanks of Ku mope Txvo hundred years ago the Bank of Amsterdam founded In IfiOll hid deposits de-posits of 51SOOOOOOO 127 yiaiy ago It had Issued notes against 11000000 in hpetie held hi Its vaults The Hank of hnsland ban 72010000 capital thC Bank of Prunou WGOOOQOO lie Imperial Bank off Germany 0i00000 Tin Credit Lyonnnls with 50000000 capital docs business in Its home city and In all France It cashes In Monte < arlp tne cheek xvhkh the gambler will risk on tho 1 tables tn nuances Jn Al giers the date nuukols ot far African tiajefc and In i minor Turkish loxvm like I IJroiiKsa and Adrlanoplc It docs for the aitrk the banking xvhlch he cannot do lor hlmpolf While the loose federation of rrivito banks controlled by ihr rothechilds I surpasses in Us totality of poxycr any that has been named New York ia a great city and Messrn Stllhnan and ttockffeMcr have u hr bunk but there are others New York Srrld |