Show The Rose Light Lingered Tho lose light Unset od on the hill And turned to wine time waters nt our foot tutu leaves that prattled bv our sides were still This day how sweet J The HUH fell down behind tie rrcst Inllftcd dark riga itttit the I western sky And It stood hraKcnllnrd In azure drcst Within my hctrtrL cry i3efom item tIme lie silver nioun Cropt ahyly all ashamed Into ihe t light A slut r beyond tIle hills arose too noon The1 spread tho NIght Her veil of mint to hide ilv decim That once were warm Upon our spirits too A slkiicn foil oen as the cool nlr sleeps The grass with dew Ycaloiday1 So the ages roll Inmoved And yet 1 loarn that thou shouldat know How lingers still thy prcscnee la my ouiAn An afterglow Winston Churchill In the Century |