Show = i SCHEU BUYS HERCULES Takes theWhole 300000 Shares of Stock J t HE PAYS 100000 1 FOR IT Tho Property Is a Meritorious One J and Bids Fair to Develop Into n Bonanza An Excellent Bsport From Manager Eader of the Annie LaurieOre and Bullion Settlements Settle-ments for the Week Ttcview of the StockTaarket Investors in Coppers Turning Attention to Utah Stocks The properties of the Cygnet Mining company consisting of the Tlerculc Group it Stockton will on Monday pass Into the custody of Charier II 1 Scheu the purchaser to whom the entire stock of the company consisting of 300flO Shares of the par value of 50 cents shelling out no less than 100000 and congratulating himself on the figures Th i property while exploited for several sev-eral years under a most conseivallve policy and with very little concerning its achievements has shown Itself a most meritorious one and while thi retiring owners consisting of Thomas I H Bcnton Arthur Gibson I A Benton Ben-ton and Horace Zerbe have confined their output to levels above the 100 they have marketed ores of the value of nearly 70000 and blocked out reserves re-serves that afford assurance of a most productive future The ores that have made their appearance in the local I market consist of a highgrade gal IHJ running quite well up in argentiferous values and identical with those at corresponding cor-responding depth In the Honerine by which it is i adjoined Mr Scheu by whom partlcunrs of the transaction were released during the afternoon sayji the orebearing channels of the Cygnet or Hercules group reveal the same conditions as those that I have brought the Honcrlne In prominence and sprouted l boom for Stockton and that to demonstrate It he will bogin dropping down into leels below the 200 at once I Is I to Mr Scheu that the camp of Stockton is Indebted In-debted for the reclamation of the Hon erine and Its cluster of QIC hea due channels that were so long submerged by water and that he will achieve equally Interesting results at the Cygnet Cyg-net those who know him will not challenge chal-lenge As at the Honcrlne copper sul phides carrying silver and gold with some lead have been encountered at the lowest workings In the Cygnet aLthough al-though the levels thus far have been free from water In addition to this ore of which periodical I shipments have been made by the company a considerable consider-able tonnage of galena Is expos d In the mine and Mr Scheu steps Into the saddle under most favorable auspices Who if anyone has joined him In the the latest undertaking Mr Scheu did not disclose although it is suspected that one or more of his Intimate friends will be permitted to climb Into a wagon that has almost Invariably reached the goal for which It was headed eac c Treasurer L A Benton of the retiring crowd says of the proposition that It has always been one of the likeliest In the Stale and that It Is only that the owners were engaged in pursuits other than mining that induced them 10 place it on the bargain counter at this time |