Show SETTLERS ON RESERVE What Will Become of Those on Fort Hal Lands SERIOUS QUESTION RAISED i Proclamation Opening the Reservation Reserva-tion to Settlement Will Be a Invitation In-vitation to Conflict and I Is reared Unprincipled Men May Attempt At-tempt to Take Undue Advantage of Old Indian Families Bed Men May Use Shotgun to Defend Bight of Occupancy TRIBUNE BUREAU t 1606 K Street Washington D C May Z 1 Senator Duboi who has practically demanded the openlntr of the Fort > hail Indian reservation to settlement wag assured today by high authority that 1 proclamation will issue within a few days This fact rises the question us to what will iconic OL thc old scLtlertupon Ihe lands in question ques-tion which have just undergone anew a-new allotment MANY IMPROVEMENTS MADE These oM 1 Indian families have devoted de-voted the lest years of their lives to the cultivation of their I farms and Borne of them have expended thousands of dollars In Improvements thereon HAVE NO ABSOLUTE TITLE But thin long occupancy does lot give thoe thrlity Indians absolute title ti-tle under the law providing fOl the opening of I the reservation to settlers and any Jan of personal courage can file upon these valuable improved fannn and take possession by legal process SHOTGUN AS PJCRSUADEP There Is i but one thing that may dissuade dis-suade him and that is the I strong 10 crtl sentiment disfavorable to the tentative ten-tative rights of the Indians which would influence any Jury to acquit any Indian farmer who would defend his rights lo occupancy with n shotgun INVITATION TO CONFLICT However the 1r0C11 int Lion will be an invitation to conflict and it is feared that unprincipled men may lcp In niL lil j3ir > LJiPl1tc undue advantage 1 of the old tndlan families who have 1 made good farms and endeavor to dispossess them DUBOIS FESRS TROUBLE That Senator Dubols Is I fearful of some trouble of this nature Is evident by the careful wording of a dispatch lie n today lo i friend in Pocatello aJi follows Washington D C May 8C O Broxton Pocatello Ida Someone or come parties who in we have been unable un-able to locate suggested so strongly that there were rich mineral deposits within the llvcmllo limit of Pocatello that the Secretary pof the Interior in I Klructed that the proclamation for opening the reservation be withheld 1 until the mineral lands could he scsre i gated rom the agricultural lands I within I with-in the fivemile limit This would have nccrsltated a delay of some months in the opening of the rescrvailon lw opening Lon Senator Ilcitfcld and Congressman Glenn and myself made the positive as Burance with some degree of enthusiasm enthusi-asm to use a mild term that there wore no mineral I deposits known or oven suspected by anyone within the flvemilo llniil and thc assurance has Just come to mo Unit the proclamation proclama-tion will speedily issue I think now I am safe In saying that the proclamation will be Issued by the 1st of June at the lalost 1 fool 1 Justified In I asking you to help create public sentiment which will prevent pre-vent anyone from getting In or trying to enter I on Iambi now occupied by settlcs I hiss the only way In which flue old Hflllcis on ihesi lands can be protected FRT D T DHRO1S BLOODSHED MAY OCCUR I The Senator It I will bo observed Is relying upon the creation of public sentiment lo protect the original settlers set-tlers and occupants of the lands hutS hut-S I t that cannot be done a 1 will be rioloun confusion which If 1lotoun not rc atmlnef Is i certain to lead to bloodshed blood-shed |