Show q f U f s 1 5 yo t I r 9 t l f lJ T sJ r71 I = lt J U d Irl V J J r1A J1 A Whose Yard Do You Rake Are you raking your own lawn or that of some landlord land-lord Just as easy to care for your own Just as easy to pay rent to yourself We have the properties give you terms that satisfy = sat-isfy and are as careful of your interests as you could desire I The Home Investment Savings Company 6 = 8 = 10 West ist So St I Jl StJl1I i So D EVPNSt Undertaker and Embalmer Open All Night Tel GG4 213 Stato St Salt Lake City u I r = of feet IB the reputation that J J our department of Shoes for I it4 Men has gained for us Were i i 1 proud of It Ve cator to the wanlii of men In shot wear I F We know what they need and I I we have Just what they want Inc In-c stock TRY OUR B I Boyden Shoes I 500 and 600 m Sterling Shoes 350 and 500 1 1 A ypecln1 dressy up to date Shoe thats comfortable durable wearable Gray Bros Co 122 Main St Salt Lake City jJ 1 Dont Blame The Clerk If he sometimes forgets to charge goods sold on credit With three or four customcTB waiting to be served In It any wonder that he occasionally falls to make an entry Anxious to rerve customer properly he hurries an fast ns he can and the credit sale la I often forgotten or ho forgets some of the Items A National Cash Register stops them lealw Send to me for catalogue Oscar Groshell No 112L Main St GRISWOLD Dental Manufacturing Company Incorporated Manufacturers of and Dealers in I Dental Materials and Supplies Established 13 Incorporated Im I Telephone lliK S WEST SECOND SOUTH STREET I The New Magazines are on our counters as soon as publlshrdt If I theyre out theyre here Subscriptions taken for any periodical or magazine at regular rates A MX line of paper novels nil new wIth clear type Over SCO titles at lOc each L F Hammel Books Stationery Office Supplies 19 W 2nd South St BOOThS 1 OwVJ JH JL JL x7 Theatrical Cold Cream J There are countless skin foods lleah foods hygienic creams cold creams and other similar preparations well known to tIme u1 feminine world Cut we want you me to know our BOOTHS THEATRICAL THEATRI-CAL COLD CREAM It isnt aa j white as some because we will not put white lead or Inc In It believing 5 believ-ing that jiuch artIcles injure the skin But it Is n most delightfully perfumed perfectly smooth and I quickly absorbed cream It has both a fattening and a tonic t notion on Lire skin clearing healing Fa heal-ing souenlnp and beautifying < > f feet It la also the Mural kind of a MASSAGE CREAM and IH greatly tti prized In chapped skin because of mz4 Its rapid healing qualIties Send 41 lor a fuUflze1 jar Ti cents Your Jit money will be refunded 1C tho 3 cream is not perfectly satisfactory Drliehl Franken 1 Aj PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS ii S E cor Main and 3rd South 1 SUm Salt Lake City s Tel JOO the intcMttoufflain Tarntcr and Rancbmait Publluhcd by The Tribune Publishing company will contain such Information respecting tire farm and ranch of Han Idaho Wyoming Nuvcda and Colorado ns will inako It invaluable stock raising as wfll aa agriculture fruit and lower culture and time truck garden and non nory being given especial attention It IB Jhftf a year In advance Is publlnhed every Tucirdal anti sslil be mnuliert one year with TilE WEEKLY T1tIJ3IJNE for lOIn lO-In advance SALT LAKE WEEKLY TRIBUN3 alone 1100 per year ADDRESSSALT LAKE TRIBUNE PU13LISII1NG COMIANY Salt Lako City UTAH PERRY S hEATh Ptmh Usher and General Manager New York Dental Parlors Rooms 2 3 4 Eaclo Blk 71 W Sad So Teeth Extracted Without Pain Modern Dentistry Beat worlc Loweg Prices CKOWMNG AND DmDGir v TEETH A SPECIALTY All work Ktmruntcco mr |