Show K H K H HK J The MossGrown Blue Laws 31ut tin police won enforcing1 the huv It will be said Indeed Why did they not arrest everybody who was riding in a street car for fun all per sons who were driving on the Speed way for sport The laws of New Yorlc whloh have been In all parts of the t State no more u deadletter than thciic now no virtuously enforced forbid such activities There are a lot of old laws on the statute book somo of tJiem al most from Colonial times which have been outgrown and by common consent forxotten Perhaps they night to be repealed formally but such things are not done anywhere and no trouble Is caused by it HO Ions us the police power is not intrusted lu scoundrels and blackmailers A modentie decree of freedom bus always been allowed them t in I this city and In other parts of the Stale and there is not the slightest necessity for a change now The Idea that the authorities may not enforce laws with discretion has no respeolablc sanction New York Tribune |