Show v v U 0 O vM 4so nV o 1 0 o 0 + o ° t r v I 1if l 0 Oro d = it fTr am i C Oa ip TW 0 0 4 0 L V o h N a b 1 III r 1 poi ll p G 11 Emma Lucy Gales MISS EMMA LUCY GATES jIIsi Emma Lucy l bits has Just ro turnori from her lliroi months slllin lour Jn Iho I lOasl rim Is 1 now haul Tt work with Prof Mrflellnn told the Salt La irs Opera rompairy on The Jolly MuskuUir In which shy will malco her first operilm ippcarfinco on the 21th Mss Gal tlH has returned from her Inlet prole loual experience lIlly clelermlnoil to piifsui a musical carper After I several months rest slit will return re-turn to New York where she will place herself undo Mine Ashforth one 01 tho learlhig tr a hers of Now York hilly She expects then to take her finishing course In PalM Pal-M IgH Galet was not nf all lhLollo aged hylhc fact that I some of IhcNrw York viiildhf crllkB spoke unfavnrahly oCher oC-her I She said sire Inn < It a host of fri J h lLnLI1eI prosa notices In Dhlla dclphla and Boston wfcrf chanting In New York hh sold many newspaper writers wccmod io oticiul a ronreiL rather 1 lo write jKJisonalltl than to indiilKo In Piltirlnirr She plugs ct high value on the expt Thence she has oh lulncd and nays il made her more Jrilly understand what the cnroer of a singer must UI Miss Gator will have thf hlph soprano par I In Tho Jolly Mnskitorr and an ari of the dllll cult school will he Intrnducd for her and orciiOKlratcMl I by Prof iUcClcllan r 4 4t i > r iL WVD pi r p t llc = ft l ter r I r d c ITf t s rk tJ k I ts7 w I m IrfHfiS r + Vv l + 3 t r 1 a i i > o ft4iiS K7 VINS fV N jft Jf Wl K zi Sv Jxr > i 33f W lMf < P v yV 1 S J i 1 v fI > v i ri jrf > J 4 fcJ atfw vjrf < 11 p iPi Cc Iwi i < f > iiif t Jr LsT t < 5T R e oi WW rl jty M Ifef riwV i V 8M tew L 4 Lv i i 4Sjg ti TW I = Ihoto bv Johnson SCENE TJR01VI ACT II ° TIUSLAW3IY OF THE WELLS The Bill at the Silt Lake Theater JJny 9th I |