Show COMPARED TO MAFEKING The Plucky Garrison in Capo Colony MJakes Gallant Defense Capetown May Reports which have Vcachcd here via Port Nolloth Western Cape Colony dated April 19th are to tho elf ii that I British columns aro now In close touch with the British garrison at OOHiep mbout nineteen mllco Inland irom Port Nolloth and that the relief of the British orco there Is practically completed com-pleted The plucky little garrlson at OOklep has been elosily invested 1 by h the Boers for wceUs past und has put up a defense which can be compared to t that of Mafo king Tho defender of OOUiop Miffered comparatively I i few casualties I but they were subject to constant sniping and had occasional lihll rp hriishvK with tho Boers On ho I nielli I of April lili forty Boers rushed an outpost on a kopje held by twenty of the Urlilsh garrison The Boors wore repulsed and the Brltlbh had four men wounded Tho womcit and children took refuse In a i fortlllcd schonlhousp Tliron civilians and one girl have buin killed In the town I by loiirangu lire from the Bon but the population Is cheerful and confident |