Show SIVA AND DEVI Tho Fearful Devil of the Hindoos and His Principal Wife Siva Is both typical of destruction and of reproduction But tho latter attribute J was doubtless a later addition to the sum of his quaUtliiv fun original conception J or this deity wan that of a power delightIng delight-ing In destruction In the achievement Of physical evil and wrong and In hurling I denlh and devastation upon the people nnd their land Ho Is rcprcnented in tho Mitcrcd book of the Hindoos BY the terrible I ter-rible dCHVroxor > Limo one whodelights In tho destruction of mm But In all this there in I no whisper JIM yet of any mornl i I iunlllltf of evil The conception Is entirely en-tirely one of phynlcRl power Used with I the ulmo ninlcvolcnco and Injustice J I i against men Along with his principal wife who Iij I variously called DI I > urBu Lmn and j I Kill I hels portrayed ns the Incarnation t I I of pliyjdail evil wronjf Injustice or mIsfortune mis-fortune In the Puninas Siva Is d a Hcrlbd MK wandering bout surrounded i by Knouts and goblin Inebriated linked 1 nnd with disheveled hair covered with j I I the OSIICH of a funeral pile ornamented with human skulls nnd bon s xometlmcc I laughing and somHimea cryIng Uovl I his consort It I represented with a hideous and n terrible countenance streaming with blood cnclrcl d with snake hung I I round with skulls and human hcjidB and lit all ie pevts rwwnblliiK n fury rather than 1 KoOden The only plwimjro which 61 and Devi f04 I when th1t altnni I ar drcmhrd wiii hfH1hhh ofc Jn e I tnuid met b elm 4 ullhoUt UK d < < tm Mon I of omc form of lIt r dtmltt i Re vie v |