Show EDITORIAL PITH Tho Chicago Record thinks that probably prob-ably no one Is I moro surprised than Gen Bullor at the fact that ho Is winning but los o w Notmuehee sooms to be the most appropriate ap-propriate rhyme wIth Armuchoo so far as C Armuchoo Towno and the VIce PresIdency are concerned ternaries the Iowa SlatE Register 00 According to tht Phlladolphla Times Loch Lynn heights a little mountaIn town In Maryland JaR had a sharp lesson les-son on tho evils of political Indifference Only flflocii voljyj were polled lit the town election last Tuesday ant whon they woro I founlcd It was found they bad elected a ticket pul up bv i somebody for fun and I composed l entirely of 1 ncgroos Tho election elec-tion It appears is going lo hold I 4 G U Tho Chicago IimsJ Hall says n Pennsylvania Penn-sylvania woman has socurod y20OtJ dan ages for thft allonatlon of her husbands affectlon If shin Is reasonable she will now tako comforl In HIP thought that sho got all they were worth t U o Tho attonilon of hoavywelghls I Cleveland Cleve-land Hill 1 Bryan Gorman and Dewey la i Invited lo limo dell of James J Corbotl who declares that ho Is as Rood a Donio era t as ever llod and Is pieparcd lot lo-t < rul his tlllu agaInst all comers says the S1 Louis GlobeDemocrat S S U Michaol Davllt Is I reported to have been tolling tho lioois that If they could only tolln hold out till aflor our noxt Presidential I election they mIght loo pretty sure of In terventlon How much that sounds like some of the cmmsol given to Agulnaldo SfH10 by IllS aidors and abeilors In Iho Unllod States Wo sIncerely trust thai Mr Davltt dlil not say any such thing But tho report oomes from a Boer source through neutral rhannols If II bo lre how do Amorlcuns enjoy having theIr domestic do-mestic politics made into an allen calspaw of that sort New York Tribune Mrs Claronco Alien of Sail Lake City told l ho Mothers l congress that In her Stato lhi purltv of thin homo Is l blighted In l pohtrimv and time women of Utah ash aid of the mother of time country J is a err that should not po unheeded says time Iowa State Reglser |