Show His Hardware Dog He stroJIerl into the corridor of the Wal i dorfAstoria At his heels trotted or rather slunk a fairly gondlooklnR fox terrier I was plain that the dog kncvr x ho had no business there A unlformcil attendant touched the man on tho urm Beg pardon air saltl he you must j not bring that dog In hciv i j Dog dog exclaimed the man dcm r th dog I told him to stay out and he t made to kick 1 the dog which darted out of tho place Thats my hardware dog aid thj I man Ilirdwiro dog said a bystruidcr Queer name Why do you call hlo r that t1U Why Why every time I kick at hln he makes a bolt for the door and b hurried on and was host 1 i In the crowd b fore tho bystander had a chance to ht him Now York Sun |