Show WANTTHi HOME MOVED Eighth East Residents are Highly Indignant ANGRY AT RESCUE PEOPLE Tho Transfer or the Homo to its New Location Has Excited the People and They Demand of the Neighborhood mand That the Institution Must be Moved Again Delegation Called on Managers Yesterday and the Home Sultry Time Resulted S y of r The fond Hopes of the promoters the Rfiscud home tlmt the Institution had found a haven of rest after years of buffeting and tossing from pillar to the ground post have been dashed to The residents of the highly respectable neighborhood of Eighth East street between Brlglmm and First South located streets where the home wa some days ago are llgaratlvely speak against such an Institution inS up In arms tution being planted among them Like the residents of other neighborhoods where the home has been located they of such an institution declare that the planting 11 outrage stitution among them is an slLlon Is demoralizing and for the and young peo of their children sake theyarc determined that the home I plo and insist that It be again must moved Ind 1 JIust to be removed to the country where ought It could be completely Isolated i particularly Incensed at They are what they claim to be the stealthy I manner In whlch the Institution was manCl before they planted In their locality I of it were aware IAN I AN INDIGNANT DELEGATION The board of directors met yesterday I rue I at the home of Mrs Plummeiv meeting was Invaded by nine ladles I representing the protestants against the Institution being located where It I now Insttuton an exceedingly tropical and result The callers demanded I time was resul clers manded in strong terms that the institution I in-stitution be moved away forthwith They offered to pay the moving expenses I ex-penses and declared that moved It must be Notice was served on the board that If their wishes were not complied with legal proceedings would be instituted on the ground that the Insttuted placo was n nuisance and that already Judge Burton has beea retained on behalf be-half of the protestants To the threat of legal proceedings Mrs Wecter president pres-ident of the board informed the visitors visit-ors that the board had both law and morality on Us side and that it was prepared J to defend its rights against all attacks SCORED MR WAKE This had the effect of adding fuel to the lire and the delegation made the Rev Richard Wake who was present In an advisory capacity to the board the special object of its indignation One lady accused the rcvcrned gentleman gentle-man of having recourse to 3 mean subterfuge sub-terfuge to bring the objectionable institution I in-stitution into the neighborhood She declared that Mr Wake had told them that the house hal been rented at 20 n month to a respectable widow with a family and then she directly asked the minister why he had lied about Mr Wake tried to explain but his effort was not satisfactory to the indignant lady who curtly advised him to keep hIs mouth shut It he couldnt tell the truth Two members of the board I said one of the ladles of tho delegation to a Tribune reporter last night told us that the home was conducted In 3 perfectly per-fectly respectable way that It was quiet and unobjectionable that they had never been obliged to move it from any neighborhood where it had been In the past and that the fuss about it was all newspaper talk Mrs Cowan the secretary however who came in late made quite a different dif-ferent statement When informed of the turn affairs had taken she expressed ex-pressed her sorrow and lamented the fact that they had been driven from post to pillar and could find no resting place The callers were finally informed that as only seven members of the board were present they did nol feel justi fled in taking any action then in regard re-gard to either moving or staying but the regular monthly meeting will occur next Tuesday when It Is expected that the full board will be present and after tho meeting the protestants will be given a reply to their demands DETERMINED TO MOVE IT A resident of the neighborhood said last evening We will not have such L place here They must move away Wo object to the stealthy way they came here They deceived everybody around here They even brought the girls here at night We have had the I affair looked Into and deeds to the property looked up No transfer of the property has been lllcd but we found that an agreement to purchase the property has been made by Mr Wake for 3500 but i is not fed either and the purchase price is to be paid within live years A small sum has been paid down but there is i thCe nothing In all that to prevent them moving and move they must The place Is a nuisance and the institution should be moved to lhe country The whole neighborhood demands it and unless they go quietly < ulely we will make It so expensive for them that they will have to go even if we cannot have jt l legally declared n nui sauce al1ce VIEW OF THE MATRON Lira Reed the matron of the lust tution was not present at the meeting of the board but she said the home would remain where it Is for some months anyway I cannot see said Mrs Reed why people want to curse sild and degrade these fortunate girls The institution is as quiet and orderly aH any private home in the city You < et n See nothin nothing wrong or out of the wiv now do Wi you You can come any time you like and you will find it the tme wl fnd same We shall tale JVc thal remain for the present Who Is t the Vlo henefactor or that fn benMfac Purchased the house fOl the home Well he does not Jive In thIs Yel Wllia State and doc not wish 50 be known in the transaction 1 OFFICE US ARE RETICENT Rev Richard Wake said he could not express an opinion as to what the outcome would be This agitatioS against it la l altogether unnecessary home and uncalled Is for nald Mr Wake The quiet and orderly and Is doing a good work a i cannot say any more until the full board of cllrcctore shaLl I have met and considered the matter We maler e have made an al agreement to pur chas thc OPcrty and have paid portion or the price The money was a remised by a party who lives pary outside known oC the Stale ant doe not wish OUlde ho in the matter millel thoISiFhVVaotr the President of the Rescue lio ccuc home said that the reason no action aclon was taken upon the petlUoq submitted Y leldn was because there was not a ftiih board atul present That the queutloiu Would be cnt queLon fully iiect Tusda Cul gone Into Jcxt rUSdar when Il WS hoped aU the members or the hoard Would be Pesent preent she had no doubt vi iiu uuuuc but al to the outcome she had no Ideas to press until that date She hoped howl ever that eVCl thng lo would come all alf in the end mHl with hat al all the objections Would that view wuh cclvo due consideration ltcard at the hands oft the tllre Plunimer did rioLwwl8h to < H ror aay i v I anything about the matter No action was taken at the board meeting yesterday yes-terday she said because all the members mem-bers were not present Tin mailer would he fully gon Into at the regular I meeting next Tuesday and until then I she had nothing to say |