Show 1 ON THE PACIFIC SLOPE iTt i-Tt is I expected by slilpplnp men that boforo the open hcasoii closes that fully = JGCCO people will have left San 1ranclsco for the Nome gold fields The Ran Frnnclsco Kxamlner says that liillan i T BIddulph Arnold member of the London llrm of Krclphlcy Arnold A Krelghley who Is under arrest In Smimi Kranclfico for embfzzlemPiil is I tIme w ond son of Sir Jidwln Arnold Iho famous poet hodSuit Fniiulaco Collector of Internal Kcvcnuc Lynch Is making preparations to establish n n Olllco In Jlonolulu the Hawaiian Ha-waiian islands having been added to tlio district of California Jacob Furth president of the Tupil Sound National bank Seattle ycslerdaj purchased tho coal mine at Renton owned and operated for thc past seven years by the Kcnton Cooperative Coil company Skoguay advices of May 20th state that nil vl atlol1 IH opened on Lake Bennett and the Yukon river 1M 1 now open clear to Dawpon with the exception of LnlceLtt 131111 < < and Taglsh Slnco the opening of the Komo rush Including yesterdays salllnyH fortynevon i craft have left Scottie for the north car tying ccrlllled lists of passengers amountIng amount-Ing to 7216 p > |