Show CASTORIV V rj thcafcnalurcof CHAS H Ftnrcncc Inu e firiuore than thirty ycnand Tc Atnd jlcw Jfsft Atevyt lloufif CASTOR IIA Per Infants nntl Children The Kind You Have Always Bought j Bears tho r Signature oft L Pnfl of-t OhlfJicalcrt EnlUls niftmonil n LL I y pK n kJnnlnnilOnlyCmiilne 14 I I AIDrclIre44 5 l ii br rtttaiira inineolUi n3 Irlcr for Lutici inWlr by run It licil 10000 TfttliaUt T iJ f EMPIRE Trasportatoll Co Empire Line to Alonlca Steamship Ohio 2TXX tons falls from I Bun Francisco May IBlh trom Suattlo on 3r about May 24th direct to Nomo or SL Michael 1ussonger first clusa 51CO and upward according to location second class 573 no steerage freight ftp nor ton weight or measurement ISO poujitls bns gage free for each adult Rates and sail lags aubjccl to change Avithour notice For I I further particulars and later sailings apply I ap-ply to Empire Transportation Co CV7 First I l ao Seattle Wash or to any agent of I the International Navigation Co I NO CURE NO PAY b 1 I If you nro loxunlly wcnk undo lpiI k rcopc < J or UiiTor mlnnl lojc our NIiki tir i Jxxnl Vncuum Developer will rc ilth cftoi Htoro you nllhout ilniri orolrvlrlc U LI t usa Iii i2i Ityt iJOOOitiUFo not one fnlluro not ono rcturn < > dt no C O D fmuili cdl or wrlio for pnrtlculnrx wnt ionlcil In jilttln tnvcloiM LOCAL APPLIANCE CO 414 Charles ElL Danvor Cole I NOTrcE f T desire tit this lime to publicly thank Mr 11 F Redman for the valuable fret I aderllslng ho has given me through tho I Press at the Lxpi > rif of the B K O Trans ten company In Avhloh 1 am still interested inter-ested lo my sorrow Fnrthormorc 1 wish lo stale Mint T am connected with the jrehantdl Transfer company at 71 AArcst Second South strel fBhio Anns and Avlvh to think all my old friends for tim liberal patronage extended mo In the past mil respectfully ask for a share nf your future business which Avlll receive tim samo careful and faithful attontlcn It has In tIm past Signed B t BLACKMARR Its a pleasure lo havo tho Blue Vans move you rrja DEIJXQUJEXT ASSESSMENT NO T1CJ2 Jco Bowers Extension Mining company Beoretar > s olllee Salt Lake City May 21 1500 i Noticcrhero arc delinquent upon the followingdescribed stock on account of assessment No 7 levied April 20 1tJ0 the several amounts sol opposite the names of time respective stockholders as follow Alz Cert Name Shares Amt 7S F H Wilson 1000 10CO 1J A J Vebor 1000 1000 ig J A J Weber JCOO 10CO 1S4 W A IMoeblus 1000 1000 i 1IW C E Hudson IOCO 1000 1 ± L Jones 11111 ini a14 M L Howard lKiO 1000 2W S M AVarmbnth MO 300 JCO S M AVarmbath i4WJ 500 251 1 U Roberts tOO OiX ri Henry b l Dodd 500 100 y 3J J A Brown TOO UOO 317 Pcery Lowe rL0 SijO aW B D l uae lCOO 1000 asi D 1 II PcOry Jr Tr Zoo OO SOS D U Peery Jr Tr 00 300 107 J 15 Jackson 3000 10CO IKT F B Slcelo 1000 1000 451 l R K Steele lOftn mon J5J 11 B Cole Tr 1000 1000 160 i F Anderson TJX 300 107 W C Spence 13 123 171 AV IL Furnnworth itO lM ITS R L Colburn Tr 1000 1000 193 N F Wood tffi 5CO 305 Then Bryan 1 lCOO 10W 530 J T Stringer 003 j n03 5o7 M W Taylor Tr 1550 200 M7 U F Ford GOO 300 C01 1C D R Thompson fi3 fi13 On AV Gane 7X 300 CM J S Schwartz 2S < 1 iH K7 G If Raybould in 10 J77 D E Burley 075 fi7 57S D K TJurluy 073 G7H 72L K P Evans ICO 100 7CS AValcrmaa Bros 100 5CO 742 Mrs J Frantzen SOO iTfl 752 J AAr Geiger 300 3fO 753 AV J3 Evans i00 300 7S1 J Ooldl 550 500 JO J A KIrby lrtW 1000 75n E P Evnna COO A500 701 J 11 Roberts lfHX 13CO 7S1 Phyllis r Jucksou 1000 10CO M1 AV C Spence ICO lCO fffi C L Crandall 1000 IOCO SR 11 T Rnvnohls < fiW fiCiJ SOT B M Pvvls 819 S11 W W G AVIlllnnis r7n rj7n STl Gee E Warren XX 300 JvM Harry Finch < rOO 3fO R R 1C l Ropers CO 5WI 5Sfi S 13 Folckemcr 2V 1JA tff A N Randolph t TJX 300 S72 X J Hanson WO 3CO Sit H Ij l Dodd 500 fiCO K73 C 11 floUt 1000 iqfO STf C E Hudson LOCO 10W i7 and CT2 R S Lniulis IOOO 1000 KW A V D Aintst iono iom W D Gurnscy lCOO 1000 roi D Gurnsoy 1150 ILM 00 Chas Muruhy r S30 SoO 017 James K Jenn nss JoOO 1iCO ri M iTd McMillan J 1 lffO 1000 Wj L nerds 25k J 20M J104 J Rorecmian vf 2C4i 2000 WO F I Ounnell pI 1 ifl R B AVhlttcinora f IK 121 072 Hudson Sons CoV 1000 1001 OM Plmon Ramljorpcr 110 joM JKJ fjlmon Uambcrgrcr 1001 1000 IfCrt 1 lester Roynolds 101 oW loib J E Horner 205 2ft J025 C 7 Tuttle < 20 1 2i1 1041 J AV Sntiiidcrs ln > if > 1 1070 V 1 Wells v tt M 1073 O I Tnlllo 5 rnt A OjW 1079 C V JColly STM C lU Oil 1W 1 A P fM f 1107 7 H Sialllncs G203 3203 11217 Cnnijibtll tt Greene r < vj JjJ1 lUll R J Conway t Co l P V GfW llfMEN Heard 1 J 113 J A Brown v 2ffQ JOjn lisT r Obrnrorfpr e inw 1101 11SS H UlHCman I V2COO 2000 And Jn ficcordnnc with law and tilt oidor of time board of ilfrcctoru nmo Anrl 20 IfOO So many shares of each parr of nbiwo stock IK may be nooe 3ary will be sold at auptlon ft time office of th Jf > owcrj Kxteqnlpn Mlning Co 30 Ti F AValker building Suit Lake CRy Utah t 2 oclock p m on Friday June S IfKJO to nnv doll imonen t nuir menl thoronn to I pother wIll COsts oOadvurtlslns anti ox p0mm of sale saleF A DRimirV Sdcrclliry 313 D F AVulkfr Building NOTICE Kolicola hereby given that 13 D Black marr Is no lonaor in the employ or or connected with the B JO Transfer Mercantile company and bait no author Itip to collect or receive money maku contracts con-tracts or transact any otialncss on nc count of auld company Dated this 32tli tiny of March 110 13 0 TRANSFER MEItCANrILE CO Bvn F Rodman Manacor rl337 NOTICE OF STOCKirOTjDERS ANNUAL AN-NUAL MKKITNU Notice hereby given that LImo annual meetlnsr of the stockholders of the Bunker Bun-ker Hill Mining company will ba hold at the olllco of the company rooms No all and 312 D F Walker building Stilt Lake City Salt Jako county Statu of Utah on Monday June A 1 1JW at 2 oclock p m for the purpone of electing seven dl reclora to serve for the ensuing year and to transact such other btiBlnffW us may legally como h foro sold mc tlnff F E WILSON Secretary Salt Lake CitY Utah April 17 1100 1P03 NOTICE OP SAFE OF TllEASURY STOCK Hy Order of the board of director of the Atlantic Mining and Milling company whose mlnoH are basted l Jn the Vtest Mountain mining district Salt Lake I county Utah the undprnlpncd will I L offer for sale the entire treasury tock of saul cornorRtlrm at public pub-lic auction to the hlghwt bidders bid-ders In lots lo suit purchH cr oC not ies thn 1003 nor moro limn 10000 snares each Said sslo will take place on Tuesday Tues-day the Bin day of Juno 100 Ht the hour of4 ii ra at the min onfrkncc lo tlitf I Commwclnl block No 2 Enni Ferniil South Htroct Salt Lake Cltv I tnh Iii i number of haro < to l > f fr r I for i < is I MO Term LIt dl P I v nnp Sccr tari Atluntle M aud M to NOTICE FOR BIOS FOR SUPPLIES for tho Utah State prison Scaled proposals pro-posals for bids vlll be received at tIm < WirdonM office until noon AVcdnesday June C 1KO for the following supplies 100 bbls Portland cement more or leas TifliH common brick moro or less 1000 feet common lumber and GOOO feet Oregon tin mor or less SCO foci of olghtlnch vitrified sowcr nlpc moro or less all to be delivered In Salt lake City Also 23 cords rubble stone moro or lcs Jo bo delivered at Limo quarry and ut the penItentiary Specifications In repnrd lo material on tile at thir VardcnV ofdce Eli to ho l opened by the State Board of I Corrections at this office June C JOOO at 12 oclock noon Tho boaid reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and rcqtilrw oC such bidder a certified cluok for not less than Iho per cont of the amount of bid which I must accompany such bid CUd snail rq I qur of tho successful bidder a bond In onehalf limo amount of Ills bid conditioned condi-tioned thul he Avllli properly and faithfully perform the contract All bills for supplies furnished Avlll bo ptihl for monthlyCrEO CrEO N DOW AVnnlen Utah State Prison May 21 1900 STOCKIIOJDERS5 MEETING Notice Is hereby lyon that tIme annual mooting of the stockholders of the Utah RnllAvnv company Avlll bo hold ul tho olllco of thn company No 75 South State street In the city of Salt Luke county of Sill bake Slate of lUiih on the second Wednesday In June being June 13 1000 at 2 oclock a m for the election of directors di-rectors for the ensuing your and for time trnnsacllon of such other bnslppxs mi may properly como before lhtl nioellnp t G AV VAIItJRY Secretary Date May 23 lf00 tlllD NOTICJSOJF ASSESSMENT NO 2 Salt Luko Clly Utah May 21 1500At a meeting of the board of directors hold en May 19 lCO there was an assessment levied on nil of time capital stock of tOo I Moldier Mining and Milling company of 1 cent a share payable on May 21 1MO llo F M lyantjford at tho Mammoth of lice on the fourth floor room 13 In the Hooper building Salt Lake City Utah All assessments not paid on or boforo June 21 lOGO will bo advertised for sale or enough of said stock lo pay the assessment as-sessment together Avlth the costs of advertising ad-vertising and sale of tIme same F M LANGFORD Secretary NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF CORPORATION COR-PORATION In the Third Judicial District Court of Utah In tin for Salt Lake County In Lime mailer of the implication of Tho Montreal Mining Smelting Company for dissolution Notice Is hereby given that The Mon troal Mining and Smelting company a corporation organised and existing under mind by virtue of the laws of Utah and having its principal office and place of business in Salt Lake City Sail Lako couniy Utah has filed In the ofllco of iho clerk of this court Its written nppllca Lion for the dlssolullon of cakl corporu Lion and for n distribution of Us assets by and under order of tim court to and among its stockholders pro rata ami that the court and time Judge thereof has directed di-rected notlco of such application to bu given as hereby done for thirty days by the publication of such notlep jn The Salt Lake Tribune a dally ncwsimpor printed and having gemral circulation in Salt Lake county Utah Objections tn such application inaA be Hied by anv person per-son at any time beforo the expiration of time time of publication This notice will be published for thirty one consecutive Issues of snlil newspaper WItness inv hand and the seal of suld court DAVID I C UNBAR rScall Clek of Said Court By George 13 Blair Deputy Clerk Date of lirsl publication May 20 1000 NOTICE OF IEAY OP ASSESSMTEXT Star Gold and Silver Mining Co Location Loca-tion of principal place of business Suit Lakp City Utah Notice Is hereby given that at a meeting meet-ing of the board of directors held qn the 21th day of May 1000 an assessment of one 1 cent per share was levied on the outstanding capital stock of Ito corporation cor-poration payable immediately lo Lsauc Burton treasurer nt room 217 Jennings block 21 AV First South street Salt Lakes City Utah Any stock on Avhlch this assessment aint remain unpaid on the 26lh day of June 1JKX will be delinquent and advor tOted for sale nt public auction and unless un-less payment Is made before Avill bo sold on the lOLl day of July 1COO to pay tim delinquent assessment together Avlih the cost of adAcrtlslng and oxncnsc of sale SAM WILLIAMSON Secretary of Star Gold and Silver Mining Co room 217 Jennings block Salt Lake City Utah Dated May 21 1500 First publication May 2C 1500 11209 ASSESSMENT NO 7 Delinquent Notice Max field Mining C oinpnny Principal office 212 Main street city of Salt Iuk State of Utah locution of Avurks and mlneM Armenia JBIg Cotton wood mining district Sail Lake county State of Utah NOTICE Thera aio dcllnquunt on the following described stock on nucminl nC uscssment No 7 levied on the Urd day of March JSOf1 the several amounts sot opposite the namcti of time respective shareholders as follows No No Namo Cert Shares Aunt Ccorgo IV Abbott 33 MO 5 13Ci bergs AV Abbolt 708 I2f 1123 Mrs fcJ JJ BntchcUler 700 250 2250 llonry nalchclder 710 C7r 0073 Lyman Ratchelder ill C25 CC23 Samuel K Bird 712 37fi 33 < r Nancy liutcholdcr < 713 27C 2173 Mrs Lymtui BotcocJclcr 713 50 1 00 O S rolllns 23 160 00 > C K Collins 53 > 100 I CSCollins 717 38 312 D AA Cowdry 3 4W niOO D AV Cowdry itt MO 7W Mr L W D Wolfe 521 100 900 SPth R Dole XJ 200 ASftX Benlaiilln F Smith 728 6t0 15 Co WT Jamrt JW LOW 4 AV L James < su i John V Newell 33 roow J5W John 1 Newell 233 w 1SOO John P Newell 33S coo J300 Alary B Ncvcll 2 > 100 Oftl Mary B Nsvcll JO P0 William 1 Nichols 3 0 icoo 0000 Wlllliim I ICIchol COJ IfCO SlO AAIIUum I Nichols COS 103 JOO O P Thonioson u > ssw 7SfiO James rnrner IS 5i 22W Cyrus AV AVnllacc J7 4 1560 Cynih AV AVallac 230 1000 WOO Gcor a L Nyc 150 10 lJW George L I Ny i 2 2 15 I J II Woodnuin 700 liii 160 I J II AAnodmnn 753 13 117 Joel Perfinm etittute700 MO 4500 And In accordance with last mid an order or-der of tIme boiird of directors made on the 3rd day of March 1900 an many shares of oHch parcel of stork nn may be neccswiry vlll bo od nl tile bunking office of Mc Cornlck t Co In the city of Sail Lake State of 17Uh on Monday the 28th day of Mny 1JXJU nt tins hour of 2 clock In the nfttrnoon of wild date to pay the delinquent de-linquent I awnwment thereon tujrother with the costs of advertising ami oxnonso of sale ART1IUK L TIIJMAJ JR Smeretstry Oflleo of Muxilettl Mining Co L3 Main street Stilt Lake City Utah Dated My il 1900 NOTICE TO CONT1tACTOflS Afflcc of the Board of Public AVorks Salt Lake City May 10 IftO Scaled pronraals Avlll bo received at this olllco until 7sO oclock p m Friday Juilo 1 3KO for furnishing that followIng Avutor I meters 500 Inchi 50 w K inch BO ilnvh 13 2 Incli 4 I a Inch Instructions lo bidder specifications and form for contract nnd boiul mny bo nltjud upon application nt the ofllcv of th r I irl of 1 i Urn AVorkf In i1 Ht i r < ifAil to re ir t ins and all i Bi rl r MI tur r iri i Publlr Aork JOHN L UUOLY tlmlnnun |