Show I BOYS NARROW ESCAPE I I Cut an Artery In His Foot and Al J I I most Ultftl to Death I The twclveyemod son of c U Chllvcrs head emhllPI at tho Dooly block met with a viy peculiar accident acci-dent yesterday morning Hc was playIng play-Ing around the lntse 1 barefooted when I happening to go near the seAVlng machine ma-chine a pair of shcius fell one of the I blades pcnetiraJnrr an artery or his I foot Dr Harchett was summoned I but failed tc slop tho flow of blood alcne and a otnn physician vas I called In to asi1 izl him The two then succeeded Inclubr iP the artery The child Is very Ai < ik from the loss I of blood but otherwise Is doing well |