Show SUIT UNDER SPRAYING LAW i County Attorney Brings Action 21 Against Orchard Owners a 1110 County Attorney Putnam yesterday niid a suit In the Third District court IfQ on behalf of Salt Lake county against KtlM < < Nelson Markley et al to recover 752 llli 1 expended by the county In spraying Lf i fruit trees owned by the defendant and u which the defendants refused and neg E lectcd to spray themselves The complaint com-plaint states that the trees were Infested r In-fested by aphis codling moth and red It spiders and were a public nuisance 1 until sprayed The orchard Is situated EtJ at 112 to 121 North Second West street Fi l r Miss Wilkins Wants a Guardian k Nettie Wllkins an orphan girl 11 yrors of age Yesterday flied a petition peti-tion In the Probate court praying that u art Andrew Sevcnson b e appointed guardian leu guar-dian of her estate and person Thc hI estate consists of real property In Big IJ i Cottonwood of the value of about 500 Iit Thc petition will be heard on June 5th |