Show t lf r if j f GJ y h j 3UfU 1l u j f T gjSlji V Jifrli L The Pocatello team wi come down to play the Rio Grand two games on Memorial day The first game will be played at 10 n in and the second at 1530 The Short Lines will go to Ogden and play two games the same day 0 a SIn S-In the Rio GrandePocatello game at Pocatello Rlsloy will pitch In the morning and Pendergruft In the afternoon after-noon Capt Melnecko Js i confident that the Rio Grandcs will win both gamc9 The Wood Grocery and Produce Rippers Rip-pers will play the Studebakcrs on the Fort Douglas grounds this morning at I 30 S S 0 I Capt Melncckc of the Rio Grand Capt I team has arranged practice games for Monday and Friday with thc Salt Lake I Busines College The garnet will be J played at the Walker fold M 0 I Several changes will be maJe In the lineup of the Ogden and Short Line teams for their gamo today at 330 on the Walker field Glmlln will pilch Hansford will watch the game Schna bel will play center Held and IJluth right Held for the Ogden KIdder will I pitch for the Short Lines while Taylor will play right field on S Manager Paul Tarpey of the High School team is endeavoring to get his men together to play the postponed championship game with the Salt Lake in Business tho championship College It series is i the last gm I x The members of the different learns t doslre toexpress their thanks to Rcil ley Brothers for their gift of a silver cup to tho inning team of the league I VIEWS OP A WHEELMAN Consul Butlers Suggestions for Doing Do-ing Away with Scorching Evil Editor Tribune I was Invited by Councilman Ilartcustein to attend the special meeting of wheelmen held Friday Fri-day evening and did not go there as a representative qf the wheelmen of Salt Lake and do not care to do so until they invite me to speak at a public meeting called for that purpose As chief consul of the 1 A W I have always advocated the Improvement of the highways for the use of wheelmen iliul have tried to get n law passed through the Legislature recognizing the rights of bicycles as vehicles to their proportion of the public roads but my heaviest opposition has always come rom nurseowners and city and county officials who havo always contended that the city could not afford to make any paths or fix up any streets so wheelman could navigate their bicycles upon them I am opposed to n special tax to build cycle paths in the public roads for bicycles for tho reason that a bicycle is taxed as personal property and every I bicycle pays a proportionate tax for its l privilege to exist and has as much right to be considered as any horseman rr other taxpayer enjoys in having roads and sidewalks built for their accommodation ac-commodation And I do not think it justice jus-tice to ignore a mans right to consideration consider-ation after ho has irnla his taxes because be-cause he prefers to ride a wheel rather than drive a horse or walk and then attempt to make him pay it special tax for the privilege Supposo they did build cycle paths Jn the public streets and a bicyclist meta met-a coal wagon or hayrack or even u horse and buggy on the path or a part of it who would turn out f And how long would the path last especially In muddy streets Now some may say make it a law that teams must keeep off the path I say It cannot be done In the nubile streets nnd roads unless you build the path high enough to tip any vehicle over that attempts to drive on U or elsexdig deep ditches alongside the path The only way cycle paths aro u success Is whore they are off the road entirely arc constantly patrolled The patrol in Salt Lake does not extend far enough to do any good to ward protecting the people from bicycle scorchers or other nuisances The I property destroying and pilfering street corner hoodlum corer the night howling quartette the sldevalk ball same the fast driving yap in buggy or wagon IJUg with his loud and foulmouthed com I I panions the resident driving his team on tho sidewalk the coal wagon on the sidewalk and thc papercarriers in paprcanlers carts and on horseback on the side walks and lawns the horses and cows dogs and chickens that roam at large over streets sidewalks lawns and gar dens are all greater nuisances than the bicyclists on the sidewalks have ever been And they have destroyed and ruined thousands of dollars worth of property While the bicycle always builds a path that the pedestrian al l ways llclc out on sidewalk or road to do his walking on 1 would suggest personally as a reme BUStest pcrsona1r a dy that the City Council enforce tho present ordinance against allnot just a few This false sense of l chivalry to the ladies Is all rot I have seen many more women on wheels the cause of accidents than I have men or boys 01 Lots of women and girls gIrls seem to think I because they wear dresses that the law Is a dead letter to them and lots of our wouldbe society young men and I boys seefrj to think because father runs I a bank or some other business or poses ins i-ns a political boss that they are im mune to the law Let them all he Ha ble to arrest at any time they are found breaking the law by riding In the re stricted district or riding on any side walk at a greater speed than eight miles an hour or passing a pedestrian mies a greaterhDceti than four miles an hour 0 01 ailIng to dismount faing when passing a a bod body of pedestrians DtcHtllaIM on the walk on where there Is I any danger of n collision L O occurring or riding otlirvie than in L fIHl tHo nn i r u c v illu oiu > < iiis jr iiirnmjr I corners or going over street crossings occupied by pedestrians ut a greater Speed than four miles greatcl hour an mies hOU or are without an alarm bell In cood working arc order on thqlr hujdlebarsor a light at a proper time of Isht ot tme night insist that all bicycle riders shall have at least one hand on their bicycle handlebars and both feet On their pedals at all times ond al lmes while riuine In the city limits Arrest them Una them not lesa than 10 for the rat oltcnse and S2G the becond tlmj they are Irrested Let no talk by pn trolman iolmln JudBe or rider go Fine theum In rlp their wheel 1 and forfeit It lhlrt days If they doiiot pay their fthe Hll U or tlse 1 Iut 1 the offenders u or in with the wih other lawbreakers and cr make them serve out their fines the samM as any other peace disturber make no distinction servo all alike Use the money so collected from lines and Bales to pay two or three special patrolmen patrol-men on bicycles to look after the bicyclists bicy-clists and In three months bicycle scorchers will have boon out of style so long In Salt Lake that complaints about them will be unnecessary Respectfully C N BUTLER Salt Lake City Utah May > 6 1000 On the Links Commencing Wednesday afternoon the progressive golf tournament the I Country club Avill begin All the members mem-bers who possibly can will lake part in I the tournament which promises to be 3 very lively affair and closely contested I con-tested The members will be I match < din d-in pairs the winners of each team to play further while the losers drop out of the game until on the last day but two will remain In the contest S 00 Tho Wilkes Golf club which is being organized by Hush nippeto Is progressing pro-gressing nicely and a large number of members have already been secured I I No grounds have yet been obtained for the club The other day Mr Rlppeto r endeavored to mako arrangements with lone of the resorts for space to play their games All went well until it came to tho question of space Mr Rlppeto wanted all the way from SO to 100 acres for the links and the manager of the resort thought him cruzy Gun Club Shoots Capt Calllson of the Salt Lake Gun club will pick his team tomorrow aflor noon after the shoot to meet the Ogden team of ten men at Ogden at 130 p mon m-on Memorial day The sports will leave here early In the morning and will take part In a sweepstake shooting preliminary prelimi-nary to the championship shoot which is scheduled for he afternoon A large crowd will go up from here to take part In the sweepstakes The Ogdon team will probably comprise John Mat George and Edward Browning Gus Becker Archie Bicelow Aleck Brewer J B Twiford and W Dermody Capt Calllson will take the percentage of thc shoot of last Friday and the one which lakes place tomorrow at 130 p m and In this way select his team of ten men for the shoot I j A S r f The I proposed organization of the I I State Gun club and Sportsmans asso elation Is the talk of thc local sharpshooters I shooters This association would shooters asociation comprise com-prise all the shooting club organized in the State The object would be to promote pro-mote interest In trap shooting and the protection of fish and game A large three days tournament Is talked of to t be promoted by the proposed organization I organIza-tion sometime during the summer at which shoot medals would be offered for the best marksmen a 4 5 o Three medals are to be offered by the Salt Lake Gun cub to be contested for at the regular shoots by the members to I i be worn by those members who lead in i the shooting from time to lime The I medals can only be worn by those who lead in the percentage table The plan I Avill create more interest in the sport and the practice work will bo more regular regulal I Cricket Game Called Off he Ogden Cricket club sent down word yesterday thai it would be unable to play a match game on Memorial day The Salt Lake club had made 1he arrangements arrange-ments for a game and had put the grounds In firstclass condition and I the members were sorry that the game had to be postponed Nevertheless the club will have a practice game among themselves or a game may be arranged with the High School Cricketers |