Show S ICE 1 I I Onico BoyPlease sir can I get oft My KranmaH awful sick Employer No Jerry Im going to tho game myself Chicago Record U S U Mrs Wa gswhiy Mr Jaggs Im dc Ilplucd to HCO you oul eo soon From what my husband i said about your illness I tmagind 1L would bo months before you would bo oblo to walk without crutcho Mr < Mns W R C JagJC TAhyorroally 1 re I dont quite catch the drift of your rt husband murks quit been III What did your ny iJi1 WaRBHne sold you were pnr sd took yzou at the club lat night and It t ice men to Rot you home Chicago News You Boom to havo a prcnt tasto fox pop murkcd the copyhook oh Horvinj Um omc < cmu 8nininK around tho od torB 01 basket Yes r plled tho gont but r like > m > poems well lone thf and I seldom find that sort hero tho Huh oxolnlmo tho copyhook wolldono poem that cornea to mo Is very rare Philadelphia Press Didnt you steel S t S hot hop tho rural rlcl Inquired of the thief cittiRht In tin t actWell sun MlBtor Judge I mus admit oat I outrun I8t And didnt you kill him U I sub jiou dId run fjalnst do but cr ue ax on got hH death And you etc him of eourso 01 Woll JudKo bit WHS this way Do went hop wuz inlphty hot on irler ho wtiz I Orad hit look a pity lei lot him spIlt 50 1 1 dew s td l nlm Mown on smokod him < nfl n-fl Urn wm 0 hot lit fo I could tun roun ho wii7 rookod dnno on pooln him In dit 17 tor lo but i i II t tlx uir wuz notliln let or I lor rit him up Hit I wins nlj done In nolf lrfon iuiiK ial in selfdcfcnse I Rochester Io lExpr i U < w Dont you think that pools later work Is vory 10I cult Won antnviTod the unwavering 01 mlror ho doosni want unornE wrie h class stuff all tIme Ump HOB Rot Lu t do I somothilmig Washington to Star nhmv his versatility |