Show I BAWLINS WANTS TO KNOW I Is Fishing for Expressions As to Corning Corn-ing Senatorial Contest I I Logxu May tiIl ig l learned that SVnator J L Bawling hUN bi > en quietly 1 nuhlng for cxircrelon of the Democratic Demo-cratic sentiment III this county relative I rel-ative to the United l Staic Senator ship lie haw I dune BO by meant of I letters addressed tf party loader J heroIn I hero-In which hi I onlldpntlHlly inquire as I to whom they df re for Senator in the cAcnt of Democratic success The tone and hidden text of the missives Indicate In-dicate that he Is desirous of knowing Just who the most popular aspirant ie In order that he may make an alliance 1 al-liance with him and thereby secure the latters aid four years from now Tho fact of the letters being hero leaked out yesterday I Politics and ReligIon Kltwecd Pomeroy of Newark N J president of the National Direct Legislation Legis-lation league and editor of the Direct Legislation Record Avlll speak at the I G A 11 hall this evening Ills theme Avlll be Ethics of Democracy or Re llglon and Politics Mr Pomeroy Is I also billed to shOAV that religion and politics are connected Club Was Not Organized I The Intended organization of a Work Ingmons Democratic Silver club inJustice In-Justice Sommers ofilce last evening failed through lack of attendance Som mcr Avns not even present himself Those who reached the place of meetIng meet-Ing Avere Scotty Rankin Capt Berry George Sanborn and J L Hutchln son After standing around on the sidewalk for some time without sc t curing any additions to their ranks they went home Another effort Avlll I be made to organize the club on Saturday I Satur-day evening next Political Notes F II Holzhcimer of Eureka was In the city yesterday Mr Holxhelmet is still In the race for the Democratic Judicial nomination in the Fifth district j dis-trict I 6 e Now that Fisher S Harris is a full I fledged seeker after office 119 can be I found wIthout the aid of a search 1 Avarrant as he upends much of his time on the Rlalto I County Attorney Frank Ncbeker of Cache county Is In the city Sir Ncbe I ker is now looking over the political ofiicos of his county with a view to 1 picking out the best one for himself If he finds nothing to suit In the county he may take the District ALl AL-l orneyshlp I Billy Dale Avas i dozing In his office I chair yesterday when a frimul strolled In and said Veil Dale have you decided I de-cided as to what office you want yet Without waking up fully Dale replied Yes but I have not decided as to which one I can get yet Thats tho only thing thats bothering me |