Show HOMESTEAD ENTRIES LEISLATIOIT WHICH WILL BENEFIT E S EFIT MANY WESTERNERS I Most important Action Taken by S Conference Committees Regarding J Public LandsAgreement Beached I TRIBUNE BUREAU 601 Fourteenth street I Washington D C May 26 1900 Time committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the two houses on UIQ amendment to the bill extending extend-ing the time for proof and payment mml > lands of the Colorado cooperative colon in southwestern Colorado have reached an agreement which has been adopted by both houses The disagreement was upon the form of an amendment to the bill proposed by Senator Pettigrew providing for second entries of lands under the homestead law This amendment was rejected by the conference committee and the substance of the Mondcll bill substituted This provides that per 1 sons who have made homestead entries I I and commuted the same shall be entitled en-titled to make a second homestead I entry also that persons who have made homestead entries for any cause have lost or forfeited the same shall be ontltled to make second entries Tills Is perhaps the most Important I public land legislation which has been i enacted at this Session of Congress I I and will enable many persons In niL I i parts of the West who have made homestead entries and for various reasons rea-sons failed to complete them to secure another opportunity S |