Show S I UTAH GOLD SEEIERS SAIL NUMBER OF PILGRIMS FOR NOME LEAVE PORTLAND I I I Ono Party of TJtahns Leave on tho Steamship George W Elder Another An-other on the City of Nome TRIBUNE SPECIAL Portland Or May 6he Alask bound steamers sailing from Portland lhV evening are the George W Elder and the City of Nome Ulah pilgrims to Cape Nome on the Elder arc B Edlngcr Bryan liar fell John Newman Andrew Peterson and John Suansen Utahns lo go on the Nome City are Hugh Boyle Peter Blombcrg Frank Blown T Billings Mr and Mrs Cal kins J J S Davoler Pat Gorman Mrs Henderson John Hcalcy C W Jeleck son John Meteor C S Ramlg 10 G Rognon J S Sharp H B Trenholm Everett Trenholm Charles Volght and G F Wengnard The passenger lists and freight space are both full As a rule the men go ing are wealthy and of good standing The steamers are Jlappointed and will make a quick voyage probably landing their burdens before vessels I that have sailed weeks ago The two craft sail together I |