Show r iiij j 7VALKER9S STORE 0 UP TO 6000 AllOVtRlACE5 mt80 It YARD = fZ rp I tr r r O r = t 7 I ry r I i i t ti f 1 11 ci g r r i i3 J 1 4 7 rf ij I Ff Y7 t ct 1 tv if 1 < I 1 ff1 F lfj Jr2 v I Lv 3 y O f > 11 fi = t f t I lr Jt < Ii n J 1 4 f cg1 WI 4 r = i n tf I 1 i1 i 60it vtit 5 ii fJ t > i I r T nl Jj il J fJ l r I J I J I 1 r Z f 1 I t < 4 r L c 1 I I l ill I e or J f J l7i JV if j f 1 It n fpk fr f h j I t t f 1 t CP n 1 Ijli Ji r > ji y A 4 I fkJ f r n rt ij h i 1 = tq J 1 It tr tJI j e i 0 1 f V y r i v 1 I I r f J 1 J 41 l If f 11 c 1 t 1 if u k The Allover Laces almost as soon as produced caught L Vu t f1 II i K the popular fancy as an ideal tnmmmg for dresses and so ii < I 1 i4fi i I I j t t the demand l r rtlelnl been large But if you remember t f I WiTlrl1 l t our dressmaking parlors were greatly delayed in the opening i fr7IV4ti t IIrijiI ii t I I open-ing hence theres an immense stock here yet and you have 3 t Wmfq the chance to buy at bargain prices To tell of these exquisite p < 1s iV ex-quisite things isnt possible a whole window at the main I 4 r z I b F i < It JI J entrance is devoted to them and gives idea of variety and c < r 1j e beauty Escurials Batistes Guipures and Flatten Laces for bodices yokes J iu > waists entire vests sleeves Selling prices are up to 600 a yard this week allI8o a yard w one price on IfISTOIUANSOf flCf SOME fiB lQ frS R BRPIIN J llTBMS Church Latterday of Jesus Saints Christ Black Grenadines Waist Pattern Silks All Wool Buntings OFF TO PARIS N Just fifteen of tho exclusive patterns Some of tho very handsome kinds in Or Grenadine Etoriiincs very lightweight The dressmaking parlors must close July 20th Madam Jones will with only enough material in each Persian HemstitchIaca and corded light-weight sheds dust readily so make sail from New York on steamer leaving for Paris July 26th passage having for your dress so highest class effects whose regular pries right ideal dresses for summer Assorted hav-ing been engaged for that date so if you aro going to have summer Grenadines Have been selling for along has been up to S2SOa yard gown made bo sure it gets here very soon The Madam expects to find 30GO 3250 and 3500 tho four yards in the piece for clear shades of blues and reds only Reduced Paris and the Exposition a sumptuous field for study of artistic gown Suit choose any one I ri pi anco sale this week g 00 Re-duced from 90c the yard 30ltmnking with its wealth of notables now all bent upon showing to the for ipI5 n pattern YUY to YU world their best effort 0 U 15ct 3c Cotton orcboIDl Laces I 44 j I ik 5 eents a Yard f J J Li 1 4 f 4t4 w L l < < frJc > Two sales of them and yet the interest has not waned nor the demand 7i 3 ceased Wow the third lot has come along but not as much as we had i4i4 Jd hoped for About 3000 yards of cotton torchon edgings and insertions 0 S 1 12 to 3 inch widoin many new and even prettier pattern designs than M I J those of the other lots For underwear dresing sacque wrapper and u4 i I childrens wear trimming will launder perfectly Should sell for 15c up to 30o a yard beginning with Mo nday and while they last one pries i on all I t 4 Five eets a Yard f I rv t t Flags Headquarters for Flags seems to bt have fallen to this store quite naturally natur-ally and that is as is I it should be for wo gather flags like other merchandise 171f7 mer-chandise in great 4JI t abundance and make prices just ffb1I1 as reasonable as lif can be II l Wool bunting 9L Flags all sizes priced from 200 each up to 1350 Sateen Flags neat and pretty as silk almostr on stick with gilt t > c spear head j i ty Small Flags on sticks from 25c a dozen on down to 5c Silk Flags aplenty Lunch Baskets Reduced Lunch Baskets are In gr demand now for lake and canyon parties nevertheless nev-ertheless wo will this week put anew a-new and lower price on every one in the enth stock to hurry them away faster j Telescope and hand satchel baskets good straw and stoutly made I TIle 110 lOtf tf size ItJI The 85c n size ILP The l 90c size 70a The 70c size y < size 0 v The GOc size 45t The 50c 2ra A size r < JI S The 35c size 1 rj 1 5 Kid I and Fabric Gloves 11k Theres a pretty II LLt largo size gathering gather-ing hereof odds I I I J and ends in lisle i t i thread and silk i I j i Gloves Good and I I t f perfect in quality j j I new that sell reg j i ularly for 35c to > 0c a pair maybe enough for the I week but while they last > g I choice at n 25 w I I Excellent Chamois Gloves all the colors I col-ors all the sizes geting a llitlc j I late so with a lOc cake of ICantons j Soap yicluded the 125 and I 135 I line reduced J to 71 it 1 I All the 100 Chamois Gloves a lOc o cako of MnutouB Soap with tfb i I these too to go at 69 rt i S Another Carpet Clearance Every facility I I 1 wo possess and S j they are many wo i g use in the buying i of best carpets for r < < d you and while the IJ stock just now is V r not quite as full as at the seasons beginning there is choice selection that will I please even a connoiseurs taste here yet We want very much indeed to reduce tho stock to the minimum for its going to market time and although S al-though we may buy the identical patterns pat-terns you take away now your mandate man-date is the Walker Store must sell new goods only so Every carpet in the house selling at 50c a yard up to highest cost ones this week will be sold laid and lined WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE All carpets selling below 50c a yard will be sewed WITHOUT EXTRA COST Entire stock of rugs from carpet sizes to mats and plainest to finest 15 PEE CENT OFF S I S Sample Pieces S We have had a fortunate pickup S of about 500 carpet samples = in < vains tapestries velvet and moquets in 1 18 to 1 12 yard lengths Thes you know are travelers samples and make most desirable rugs 15c UP TO 75c EACH a Jens Summer Furnishings There are ssme j ideal shirts hero I LI t for the hot weather called the ventilated or air cell shirts made of whits J open mesh fabric I fab-ric plaited bosoms bos-oms psarl buttons S tons very neat and cool looking Besides Be-sides wholo new lot of dainty color Madras Piques Oxfords and Per colo Shirts in comfortable cool sizes Exceptionally pretty ties are COnh gin g-in right along The new reversible fourinhnud is the d n latest Jly New leather Belts 150 and d between prices to 2 Y Silk Underwear to give coolest com fort A new line here flesh color and pink to sell per TJ i PJ g > I garment H i < > j O Cr inesh imdcrohirls and drawS 1 draw-S cj54uk color per n 1 rJ garment tV I Balbriggan Shirts and A I Drawers per gtirm nt 7 5 New Unlined Dress Skirts S and Lawn Dresses 1 > Light as web tlC tl-C bing and not only Ff Fft t i t t J charming in styleS I style-S Ir I but made to giver give-r just the coolest J t J comfort imaginable t jJ F1bl Not ado particle S i l Ir parti-cle of lining yeti S yet-i L senms aro well < r < 5 L stayed bindings Y Q neatly put on and I all have the new inverted plait backs hang perfectly Some are I tastefully trimmed Cheviots home spuns and brilliantines Latest skirt arrivals and marked exceptionally excep-tionally low 1000 875 o ro I and OYU I Lawn Dresses At 875 Would you with the thermometer ther-mometer in its present condition think of making one fOl that We I doubt though even if you woro 5 sufficiently ambitious to doS so I do-S whether you could for they are very stlishly made each one with S under petticoat of white lawn ruffled ruf-fled waists effectively trimmed and made of fine quality lawns in all I the dainty colors and o f = I j only r 875 Bicycle and Golf Boots S Selling time for I I1kT us is getting very M1 short so some > JqL price reductions 41 I S Womens Bicycle 1t1 i Boots made of t very fine vici kid i black or tan 350 regular f4 238 Golf boots for Women 500 kinds v 395 J Womens linen Oxfords different shades hand turned soles t l5tT and 200 regu c fl 1C S lav jioid 8 I 1 S The BarainTabk I I On Bargain Table togo while lheyi la8 u amall lot oft tan ohoos for mises and children that were 150 find 200 rfb n l not 930 I Womens Silk Hose Half Prices or Less I i iL I S I 1 S While silk Stockings aro in demand the year around still the summertime summer-time selling is greatest because they arc most desirable with low shoes To meet the summer time need we I I bought heavily and now to reduce J stock to right proportion these pric2s j S S Light color silk Stockings pretty drop stitch effects reduced Esp i S from 100 to oX O W Plain weave silk Stockings in soft I dainty shades 125 to 75 ff I 200 a pair regular A few shades of pretty gray silk j Stockings in small sizes only that vero 3OO 11 S for 1 05 Opera length silk Stockings in all shades reduced from 11 > e S400 to SLyJ I Womens Knit Underwear j ftJ Cream Silk Vests low neck with cap sleeves very pretty garments regularly i S reg-ularly priced 150 for 08 < clearance s Y Y Fancy color Silk Vests 48 it at Lisle thread Drawers knee length reduced from 100 rj e y to 5 75 Mixed Silk and Lisle Drawers knee loiigth handsome quality t1 fl 150 garments il U V Black Lislo Thread Vests Richelieu I ribbed ft25 garments KA rrt gar-ments < JW Cream color cotton vests shaped at waists beautiful quality t S 100 garments Children Dresses Half Price Made of Ginghams I Ging-hams and madras Thfi1 somo ofpretty w 1i1 prints Perfectly fast colors that 1 will bear no end of laundering Most have trimmings I and all are in the I cute and cunning styles for little ones of2 to 4 years Prices were OOc 75c 1 100 up to 300 For summer clearance clear-ance HALF PRICE S I S I Jewel 1 Odd lot of brooches many and pretty styles that were 15c up to 50c each I while they last any TI O for W Beaded Beauty Pius that were 5c J clch2 FOE 5c Odd lot Beauty Pines that were 5c j I cachG FOR 5c I Boys Waists and Suits 1 This clothing 1 store gathers S lavishl l S i very lavishly of boys suits that style variety I va-riety may bo of the broadest broad-est Great selling k1 ing makos J S J S small lots and SJk s b broken liins accumulate but they never remain long when the bargain story gets into print Two styles in thee Threepiece Suits with handsomely embroidered little vestees for small boys and twopiece suits for oldei ones in tweeds cheviots cites meres Sizes 3 to 16 years reduced from 350 and 475 295 to t 5 < I Boys Blouse Waists prettily and stylishly sty-lishly made of percales andlawns some white others in colors with and without triniings 25il were 35c to 65c choice jw Dusters at Special Prices MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY S WEDNES-DAY Turkey feather dusters made of best quality tail Th feathers J The 30c size S 17 Tho 40o size I 23t The 50c size 32ft Excellent ostrich feather dusters reduced re-duced thus The 25c 1 sizo e e e 12 The 35c i S 17 The 50 c Vc7c 27 rt size e Lii 4 5 The 75c 43 rJ size e e The 90c size e e 57 t S Furniture dusters made of soft feathers feath-ers 35o regular S regu-lar e S 117 fj Witchkloth a specially prepared cloth for cleaning and polishing all table ware will not scratch nor mar the most delicate surface the 25c S S size lOc the 15c size 5 S Perfumes and Creams MONDAY AND TUESDAY S t S Two ouncs sizo autoinizers filled j EEeC with Hilbrts per S fumo reduced from S 100 to S 63 S Piuauds bsst b qaulity of Bcman Lilac Roman Lilly rnd Jloyal Ixra and Royal Violet reduced from 100 an ounce to 63 Portsmouth Cold Cream 5 ft 15c tube A Boys Waists and Suits 1 This clothing 1 store gathers S lavishl l S i very lavishly of boys suits that style variety I va-riety may bo of the broadest broad-est Great selling k1 ing makos J S J S small lots and SJk s b broken liins accumulate but they never remain long when the bargain story gets into print Two styles in thee Threepiece Suits with handsomely embroidered little vestees for small boys and twopiece suits for oldei ones in tweeds cheviots cites meres Sizes 3 to 16 years reduced from 350 and 475 295 to t 5 < I Boys Blouse Waists prettily and stylishly sty-lishly made of percales andlawns some white others in colors with and without triniings 25il were 35c to 65c choice jw Dusters at Special Prices MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY S WEDNES-DAY Turkey feather dusters made of best quality tail Th feathers J The 30c size S 17 Tho 40o size I 23t The 50c size 32ft Excellent ostrich feather dusters reduced re-duced thus The 25c 1 sizo e e e 12 The 35c i S 17 The 50 c Vc7c 27 rt size e Lii 4 5 The 75c 43 rJ size e e The 90c size e e 57 t S Furniture dusters made of soft feathers feath-ers 35o regular S regu-lar e S 117 fj Witchkloth a specially prepared cloth for cleaning and polishing all table ware will not scratch nor mar the most delicate surface the 25c S S size lOc the 15c size 5 S Perfumes and Creams MONDAY AND TUESDAY S t S Two ouncs sizo autoinizers filled j EEeC with Hilbrts per S fumo reduced from S 100 to S 63 S Piuauds bsst b qaulity of Bcman Lilac Roman Lilly rnd Jloyal Ixra and Royal Violet reduced from 100 an ounce to 63 Portsmouth Cold Cream 5 ft 15c tube A |