Show I I Y VISIT OF CALIFORNIANS National Convention Delegates Dele-gates Make Brief Stay PRINCE DAVID WITH THEM Tho Californians Were Met at the Depot and Welcomed by Stato Chairman Moyle and a Trip to Saltair Followed Delegates Wore Much Pleased Wfth tho Resort Organ Recital Given Upon Their Return Hawaiian Delegation Including In-cluding Prince David in Party The California delegates to the Democratic Dem-ocratic national convention reached this city yesterday afternoon in a specie car attached to the regular Rio Grand Western train The pal left San Francisco on Friday morning at 10 clock and came directly to Salt Ixiki before making a stop Here they wen wclconcd by James H Moyle chairman chair-man of the Democratic State central committee A few of the delegates tool in the Bights of the city but a majority of them boarded the 115 oclock train for Saltair and freed themselves from some of the Nevada dust which they annexed en route The time at the lake was all too brier for tho delighted visitors Only a few had been In Salt Lake before and as ono of the members of the party said It was a revelation to them and he wjshcd they could stay a week But their time was limited and they were obliged to leave the water after a few Irief moments FOUND THE BAR But true to the reputation of the Californians they had time to find the liquid refreshment counter and Imbibe some of Kentuckys best Exhibiting a roil of bills considerably larger than a majority of men In this region carry around loose one of the leading members mem-bers of the party called out Come on boys well meet at the bar and those addressed lost no time in following his leadUpon I Upon returning to the city the guests were conveyed to the Tabernacle wjiere Prof Daynes rendered several fine selections on the great organ the visitors seeming almost spellbound by the magic music From the Tabernacle the party went to dinner and later were taken to the Salt Palace PRINCE DAVID OF IIAWAAIT Along with the California delegates were the delegates from Hawaii comprising com-prising Prince David Kawanakoa WillIam Wil-liam H Cornwall John D Jlolt John H Wise and Charles S Wilder The personnel of this delegation represents I thq political and business world of Honolulu Prince David is connected with exQueen Lllluokalani and is a nephew of the late King Kalakaua It Is said that heretofore he has been freo from any political l entanglements but has recently allied himself with the Democratic party which has been organized or-ganized in the islands William H Cornwall is a prominent business man and was at one time a member of the legislative body during the regency John D Holt Is at the head of a large liquor business In Honolulu John H Wise studied for the ministry at Oberlin college 0 but is now connected with an Iron manufacturing corporation in Honolulu Charles S Wilder was formerly for-merly Consul of the Hawaiian Islands In San Francisco and enjoys a wide acquaintance on the coast MAYOR PHI LAN A DELEGATE The California delegation Included James D Phelan Mayor of San Fran cisco J G McGuire of Son Francisco M F Tarpc of Alameda delesatesat large J S Sweet of Santa Rosa tJtilil tot C F P Foster of Tehama D N Carmichael of Sacramento James A Jyeyos of Sulsun Curtis Hillyer and Jaspar McDonald of San Francisco j V F Del Valle ° r Los Angeles John M Woods of Stockton Frank Freeman of Glenn Charles Edelman of San Francisco James H Henry of Sun Jose xv N llcFadden or Orange H A Jas tro of Kern distrIct delegates Al Mc Cabe assistant secretary Mrs J H Henry and daughter San Jose Mrs G Allen Stockton iesdames Johnson and Halch San Jose WHITE WAS ABSENT Hon Stemdteii M White chairman of the delegation was unable to accom pany it to Kansas City but left Los Angeles yesterday morning over the Santa Fe and will proceed at once to the convention city where he wlJ1 make a speech econding the nomination of JI1 Bryan John McGonlgle of Ventura another delegate is already at Kansas CilNone None of the members of the delega don interviewed expressed any choice for n ePresldenLlal candidate and said thc delegates had decided to post Ionc n discussion oCtthc matter until utter they reached Lansas City liKFBESHMEXTS IN ABUNDANCE ton The special cal ss3r the delega vas well supplied with fruit and l wine In quantities sutncicl1t to enable the sas members to mnlutaln the wcll earned reputation of the State for h05 pittllty The cat ilso carried a mascot In ahe form of a ouryearQld plek ninny HIs name Is George Hllllur and his father Js an employee In the customhouse at San Franalwo The 1oy s mother Is I now visiting In Kansaq City and tho Californians have the boy go in the car cQnscqted In care ot to the portcrn He baa been made much or on tho trip and has lived on the fat of the land I The visitors left 3at for the Colorado I1alt last evening Sac n brief Slop at Springs the trip will be tl direct one to their destlnntlon |