Show SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Miss Minnie 13 Walker Is spending j I the summer wth friends In New York p p A V IloslMc and somm Frank leave at noon today for an Eastern trip i They will visit Mr Hoalcks old homeS home-S P v I The Utah State Council of Women I met with Mrs Priscilla Jennings yn Friday afternoon and named committees commit-tees to arrange booth for Utah at time National Suffrage Bazar to be held In Madison Square Garden New York in December next The exhibit will represent the leading Industries 01 the State and the ladles Interfiled are assured of ihe hearty cnopcrallon of lliore who have the best Interests 01 Utah at heart in an endeavor lo mrtkc I Utahs sholng u most creditable ono i The cnmmlUcos named to arrange fur j the exhibit from this SUte arc General commlllce Mrs J II Moylf Mr5 William Stewart Mis L II Rhodes Mrs B S Newman Mrs Dr j Silver Mrs G F Young Committee for mineral collection Mrs David Keith Mrs Thomas Kearns Mrs II S Laplsh Committee for art collection Mrs J Fewson Smith Mrs IT S Laplsh Miss Lou Conrey of PIqua O en route to Montana Is visiting with Miss Grace Hclkes for a few days |