Show BFAUTIiUL WEDDING AT OGDEN I 1 s r i2r i I I Z > 4 fc j r g l Y2 2S1 Lasl evening al S30 oclock an event took > ace adding another bond of union between ivo of the oldest and not In Ihirntlul lamilles of Utah II was the marriage of MISH Jnnlc Taylor to Mr Horace LO Peery which look place at the residence ot the brides parents al No 2304 Jefferson fivojitio The ceremony was most lmprefislvol performed by lion I Lorln Farr grandfather of time bride In the presence of the immediate families of the I eoninicllng friends parties and a few invited I The rooms wero lavishly and beautifully beautiful-ly dccoiaiod In while for the occasion Tho main jmrlor In which the ceremony was performed wan a perfect garden of roses Ira bouquets of bright roses carnation car-nation and llllea being arranged with I artistic effect with asparagus formosa irlmmlngK entwined wllh Kinllax The other parlors were decorated wIth American I Ameri-can Beauty loa g and carnations In pro carlutonf fusion In llio diningroom ihe head 1ro ble baa for Un center piece an Immense i bouquet of bright roses while on the 1 sideboard ihe docoratlona were American Hnuul lQH nlli mlv iii nth tn I bleu wore dressed In i beauty roses ami 1 sweet peas TIC platen were covered with heliotrope and maidenbali Cern Tho I doom between tlij diningroom were banked wllh pulms roses and carnations whllo on tho mantels were palms and flowering plums the whole forming a Hcone of raro and beauL all entrancing beauty Atone At-one end of ih < largo parlor a large ox bow design of whit roses and carnations WUI Centered on either aide caruatonK were banana phuiis At thc hour appointed the bride and groom entered the room unattended and took Ihilr pltices under the oxbow and lie words wero then poken which nulled thorn mis husband and wife After the Ceremony iho nawiyrnnrrlcd i couple received the alnccrc < and hearty I congratulations and wellwishes of hose present An elegant woddlner supper was then sewed by Mrs Gerdlng at which pledges of hupplrcss and proaperliy were given the bride and A JlCI bride groom largo num ber of beautiful wedding present were received by the young couple afir and Mis Horace E Perry start Oul In life with the brightest of prospects and with the wpllwltthus of a Plr of frlOndtr for they are hath well kniAvn and hlghlv respected In the community The bride IK eomnunl hllde it the daughter of Mr und Mrs It J Tay lor and a crrandduughtcr of the lain PrOd L dent JohnTaylor mind Is one of Ogdenn most talented ucconwllxhid mid benntl ful daughters she IHI graduate of the Ogdcp high Hfchool and lo that course of study Wa added thoadvanlages of an extensive European tour Tnt groom Is a a son of Hon and Mrs D H tom a I highly suecoiaful young brMncss 1 nH nand n-and ono of the owners of the Peer Bros flouring mills In Qgdcn The young con piC l lot for iho north laal nIght to I bo absent about two Hooks and on their re turn will bo at homo at Mr Peers new residence on Adams avenue Just south of the home of Hon D II Pccry I Among the guests nresonl were Mr and Mrs D tl Pccry Mr and Mrs Joseph I Peery Mr and Mrs A 15 I n f0r Salt Luko City HOI find Mrs C C Richards lon and Mrs Moses That < hcr of Salt Lake City Mr and Mrs A A Steed SnI and Mrs Hugh C Wood of Snoncor Tdti Tltt oOl Dr and Mri 1 Carnuhan Mry Jane B Taylor of Bull T tlc City widow of U lulo PIclen John Tavlor and grand Jrall mother of the t bride v lady 87 years ot aerc Mrs Julia Taylor of Salt Lake City Miss Mark EdwardH of Sail Lake City CI Miss Lcltle Richards Miss Kalhprlntj rurnahun Mlns Ray Larr Miss Lulu Peery Miss Annlo Pldcockr Messrs Harold Har-old Ilinry Frank Louis and Harmon Pcory Lorin Farr Judge David W Evans and Hon n U |