Show HAlLWAY lAD ESMEET Organize Local Auxiliary to theORCD ft i VISITOF OGDEN MEMBERS Bogo Lily Namo of New Salt Lake LodgeList of Officers Chosen F Eanojict Followed Installation Southern Pacific Selects Strongs Knob Route for CutOff 6 Santa PCS t First Trains Between Chicago and San Francisco Malco Good Time c Local and General Railway News r A ladles auxiliary t6 the Order of Railway Conductors has been organized organ-ized in this city The organization Installation In-stallation and banquet took place last night In the B B hall and all the conductors con-ductors AViirc among the Ji guests among F The iiamo of the new lodge is Sego 1 t Lily No 160 of Salt Lake A number of the ladies oC Ogden i Star of Utah No S3 came down to attend and organIze Mrs R D Robbins I Rob-bins was the organizer assisted by Mrs Ed Boyd Mrs Take Ryan Mrs McNault Mrs Si Tracey Mrs Gulliher I Hart Mrs Reburgh Mrs L S Jensen Mrs 4 The following are the ot ers Installed I In-stalled for the Sego Lily President I 1hs Lucy McCullow vicepresident Mrs Mary Yancey S T Mrs Carrie Moore S S Mrs William Havener J S Mrs J3ertha Scott G Mrs Lillle Langford executive committee Mrs Annie Couton l1rsJ C Dunn Mrs J M Cahoon correspondence agent Mrs Havener subagent oC insurance 1 Mrs Cahcon Franklin served the banquet In elegant ele-gant style and amid the happiest I auspices the new lodge was started It is expected that the auxiliary In its work Avill be a great help to the O R I C All was merry as can be imagined at the barlquet und Mrs J Ryan oC Ogdcn was one oC the most entertaining I S entertain-ing ones giving 0 nice talk on the good of the order Music and chat ended the session I |