Show R N NEED OF IIELPS Ministers in Peking Were Given Twentyfour Hours to Leave the Chinese Capital This They Declined to Do But the Messages Conveying this Fact Give No Intimation of Why They Failed to LeaveMeanwhile 9 fan f-an Expedition Will be Sent to Bring Them AwayFourteen Tho usand Foreign Troops are Now on Chinese Soil c WashingtonJune 30 Although no less than four accounts have come to the Slate and Navy dcpartmcnls respecting re-specting the condition of the foreign Ministers at Peking not one of the messages gives tIme slightest Intimation Intima-tion of why the Ministers failed to leave the Chinese capital when given days time to do so One assumption is that the Ministers declined because they Would have gone out of Peking to certain massacre by the hordes of Boxers outside Another is that they declined to leave until the other foreigners for-eigners were safely removed something some-thing beyond the capacity or Inclination Inclina-tion of theTsungHYamcn to accomplish accom-plish WILL GO TO PUKING But In the absence of the facts the Government today determined to proceed pro-ceed upon the line already laid down namely that the Ministers are in Peking In need of help The Navy and the War department will continue the plans set afoot for the dispatch to Peking of an expedition lo bring away the Ministers A Cabinet council today to-day decided this point and did so with all of the ofllcinl dispatches by them as well as with knowledge of the contents of the Associated Press cablegrams cable-grams from China In their possession WHAT DECISION MEANS rhe decision amounts to a practical declaration that aa yet there la nothing official that will warrant the assump llon that the Chlrieso Government itself it-self directed the uprising and attack Secretary Kay gae his personal attention at-tention to the situation though far from recovered from his attack of illness ill-ness yesterday He Is still hopeful that there will be found a satisfactory and c honorable outcome of the present difficulties diffi-culties Apparcntlj the Chinese Minister Min-ister here Mr Wu holds lo the same belief and tlls with Ills perjsojml j knowledge of1hcttctiuTI sentimentsof the Tsung11Yameu MINISTERS ARE SAFE The Navy department has received the following cablegram from Admiral Kgnipffi 4 Che Foot June 30 Secretary favy Washington Ministers at Poking wore given twentyfour hours to leave on the HUh They refused and are silll there The Peking relief forces got half way They were attacked by Imperial troops on the 13th JMcCalla was In command Four were killed and twentyJive wounded McCalla and Ensign Tausslg wounded but not seriously se-riously Now over 11000 troops ashore Commander VIse commands at Tong Ku in charge of transportation rail and river The combined nationalities find it necessary to makj use of some civilians to operate railway ICEMPFF SIEGE OF TIEN TSIN RAISED The followIng cablegram has been received re-ceived from Consul Ragbdale > at Tien Tsln dated the 27th inst being the first communication received from that officer in nearly two months Siege of Tien Tsln raised Troops sent for the relief of time legations rc Jurned In vain FIghting senen separate sep-arate battalions American loss six killed thirtyeight wounded On the Ifith MInisters given twentyfour hours lo leave Peking Refused Still here RAGStfALE I CITOATE ALSO HEARD FROM A cablegram received at the State department today from E nba sador Chonta at London states that tht foreign Mmlslors were safe at Peking on the I 25th iuisi The Chinese Minister Mr Vu has private advices to the santo effect which he had brought lo lie attention of the State department All of the ofllclal dispatches this morning cre carefully considered at a Cabinet council hold at the Stale de lit rtiuen I The conclusion rearhod was that nothing had developed warranting a Hmngo of policy at this stage So It was decided that no further Instructions Instruc-tions should be dispatched to our naval commander in China nor have more troops been ordered there |