Show ORE AND BULLION SETTLEMENT A Grand Total of Nearly Two Million in June The month in the ore and bullion market mar-ket closed with settlements amounting to glftMOu 1 as compared with 1722651 for the previous one a shrinkage duo I cntiicly to the temporary decline In L lead and copper both of which accordIng accord-ing to the barometer promise better account of themselves during July In addition to these settlements gold dust of the value of 83065 was dumped into the sampling rooms of the Consolidated Kansas City Smelting and Refining company while gold bullion of the value of over 100000 was sent from the Golden Gate at Mercur through Well Fargo Co this swelling the total to 1807129 During the same period there was forwarded by the management manage-ment of the Highland Boy smelter 431 has pounds of copper gold and silver bullion of the value of more than 100 000 which rears the grand total for the month of June to 51907129 Yesterdays 1 settlements in the ore and bullion mar yet amounted to 07475 divided as follows fol-lows lowsMcCornlck Co Mlngo bullion 53900 gold silver lead and copper ores S10000 Bank of the Republic Aurocyanldes 1000 Bamberger McMillan Gold silver and lead ores 11775 T R Jones Co Germanla bullion 25200 gold silver lead and copper ores S12COO In the metal market silver ruled at CRi cents an ounce casting copper at 156 cents a pound with S3G2 per 100 as the settling price for lead The month at the gold sampling rooms of tim American Smelting nnd Refining company was a light one and finished with receipts amounting to 83065 Of this sum 57GSG was paid for the gold containedin them while the argentiferous contents of the dust brought 5JJ37D Among the number to report were the Mercur GeyserMarlon arid Sacramento of Mercur the Star of Pine canyon Chloride Pglnt of Lion hill Lucky Boy of Cusler Ida Dexter of Tusenrora anil Ohalnman of Ely Nev and Idaho Recovery company on tho llalley gold boll Of the product of Do Ja Mars Morcur mines no record hatevor is had sit the local sampler but those professing to have learned something of Its value estimate at various vari-ous amounis ranging from 100000 to 5110000 Highland Boy Shipments From the Highland Boy smelter there was yesterday forwarded to the ISnst era refineries lot No 111 consisting of 50131 pounds of copper gold and silver sil-ver bullion this swelling the total output out-put since Juno 13 1S09 to nearly 7000 000 pounds The month at the smelter recorded the production of iril93S pounds and closed with the plant receiving re-ceiving and putting through an aver ago of nearly 300 tons a day Discussing Discus-sing the enlargements now going on at the smelter Mr Fischer the superintendent superin-tendent of constructionsold yesterday that ho would this week award the contracts for the castings brick and lumber to be employed in the work and that the main material should begin moving In this direction within the next ninety days Binghnm Copper and Gold Superintendent McCrce of the Ding ham Copper and Gold Mining com panys Blngham properties came in from camp yesterday and after a con ference with Col Ileltron will leave for the diggings again this morning At present he la devoting himself to the Micrgollc blocking out of the ore bodies and approximating the volume which has already been exposed yesterday said lie > could without effort furnish the I Mmelter with an average of 200 tons I daily for three years Indeed It Is estimated that no less than 300000 tons of copper gold and silver ore are now exposed while this enormous tonnage is being Increased with every shot At J lime smelter work Is progressing very I r rapidly and everything Is now faVorable favor-able to Ha completion on achedulc time i Fvurnaco material nlag pots and other material arc beginning to arrive upon Iho round andlf the fires arc not lighted light-ed on November 1st It will be n disap I pointment to those who are prosecuting I the work The Annie Laurie Managers j P L Klmberly to whom the people of Gold moiinlahvPlute county are so 1 largely Indebted for the prominence ot that region in the mining world came in from Sharon Pa yesterday and will leave for tho Annie Lnuric At this point he was met by Walter G Filer manage of the properly who had returned re-turned from the nouth the prevlouo night and who reports everything looking look-Ing to an early completion of a model mill Joe Dedorlchs to whom the contract con-tract for the erection of the plant wan awarded aloo returned from Gold mountain on Friday night and says the site for the plant Is an Ideal one and that he will return to camp on Thursday Thurs-day to begin the breaking of ground Mr Dedcrlchs may be relied on to get it In operation as soon as human energy en-ergy and skill will permit |