Show I OUTPLAYED THE PHILLIES 1 1 Pittsburg Takes Second Game of the Series With Quakers I Pittsbuvg took the second game In the series with Philadelphia on the formers form-ers grounds by outplaying them at every point Beaumonts drop of a 1W with the bases full cost two runs but Phillippl mad cup for it by striking I three men out who faced him in the ninth I 1 In Chicago the Windy City crowd pounded the Brooklyn pitcher all overtime over-time Hold and outplayed the Champions at all points I I At St Louis Umpire Swarlwood was sick and Players Wcyhing and Foster I officiated They gave complete satisfaction I satis-faction The gain Avas dull and list I less I and was called nt end of eighth Inning account of darkness Hughcy I AVJIS In fine form and had his opponents I oppon-ents completely at his mercy At Cincinnati Boston could do nothing I noth-ing AvKh Hahn Only three men reached first base and eight struck out Cuppy was effective hut Ilahns home run Avlth a man oh first took the life out oC the visitors I |