Show YOUNG MANS HEROISM At Great Risk J S Barlow Rushed Out and Stopped a Runaway Team f I J 1 S Barlow a gardener and a young < man about 25 years of age showed remarkable re-markable heroism yesterday l was at 3 1 m on the corner of Second South and Vet Temple The two hprso team of James Anderson started to run away In front of the postolhVc In the heavy wagon were James Anderson An-derson who Is quite an old man and a little boy Both seemed paralyzed the street The team dashed across straight for a crowd of people and 1 lot oC teams In front of the Eagle phar I macy attracted there by the assault on Superintendent F P Grldley Young Barlow saw the1 danger and what might happen If the big team got mixed urJ with the other wagons so ht cooly rushed out and made a leap for the horses head nearest him caught the bridle pulled him up short and swerved the whole team around and I stopped them one horse striking his I head against the first wagon in the aggregation ag-gregation A burst of Instantaneous applause greeted tho heroic act but the young man modestly got on his wagon and rode away |