Show SANPETE TEACHERS J List of Those Who Passed the Examination jt Ex-amination for Certificates MaiujK June 30 The regular examination examina-tion for teachers was held In Mantl this week under the direction of Superintendent Superintend-ent Nelson J Y Jcnson and Albert N Tolloslrnp Them were thirtynine applicants appli-cants for ccrtlllcalcg ucvcn of whom tailed to get the required per cent fifteen handed In papers that wero satisfactory In the brurchch taken but on account of being nnablo to PUSS lu uB the studies required wore marked Incomplete with permission to attend the college Hummer school and IU8 on the branches In which they were dc1 lent The following passed the examination and were today given cerllllcutos I Osman Justcson Spring City Oflcar Chrlstenson A C Miner l Falrvlew > Thomas AV Dykes Vnlcs Myron Chen ny Amanda J Llndqulsl A E Anderson Kaliview A J Reos Ncphl Recs Wales Christian Olson Fujrvlow Elvlne HUM inudHcn Ephralm O M Sanderson Fairview I Fair-view Minnie Taylor Freedom Laura i Lhrlstonson Nellie Clawsort Zenoblo Lar 7 srn Julia Dorlus Eohrulrn Most of tho abovenamed are new In tho profession as a majority o the old leaders arc holding State certificates or certificates good for two years Another examination will bo hold Immediately after thcr close of the summer school |