Show RARE PICTURES All y6ung persons In the city who would improve their Ideas l of an every person to whom r study of exact proportions pro-portions will be a pleasure every person per-son who would desire to understand that a picture to be striking must be natural ought to visit 1 the exhibition of pictures which Mr George II Tag garl offers at the hal of the Ladles Literary society on Third East street There are two portraits there of men whose forms and faces are familiar to I every one In the city and by examining these paintings It will be readily seen I lhat the artist hc l Ullst much more than n deft mechanic that ho not only has I reproduced the forms and faces of the men but has brought out what he es teems to be Ihelr characters and that the plclmcg arc more valuable If possible pos-sible for what they suggest than for I what merely attracts the eye oj I watch them for half an hour Is a study thai Is as filled with fled wih Instruction us with delight and people should go ands and-s them |