Show AT THE HOTELS Knutsford S J Gorman Chicago I Mr and Mrs Charles Seasongood Mr and Mrs Philip Berolvhelmer New York E G Storber Silverton Cole Jj A Dunham Kansas City Mo Mr andS Mrs and-S Slade Chicago H J North and wife P II Thompson and wife Buffalo Buf-falo N Y 1 Goldman and wife Newport New-port Ark M F Oberndorf Chicago David Horrell Austin Tex W F AVoostcn Liberal Kan J E Bradley St Louis S W Tyler Denver C E Ulll Kansas City J G LalTCorgen New York Andrew Phillips and wife Philadelphia Phila-delphia W T Carey San Francisco E O Runyan Denver AV C Trontcr Butte G S Fanning and wife Now York G B Reynolds San Francisco Miss A M Thomas und sister Spring t field O a Cullen T R Collins Cleveland O Mr and Mrs H B Patterson R B Patterson San Francisco James H Marriott M Janeskl Nevada M L Williams Fiesno Cal William Wha len Chicago Mrs T D Sullivan Eureka Eu-reka W W Bennett and wife Provo Daniel Martin and family Eureka E IT Brown and wife Lchl G G Flnley Topeka Kan Mrs M O Johnson Miss A Johnson Victor Cob William B Hughes Spanish Fork J M Cause Ogden R C Lund St George Mrs E Leopold St Louis Mrs S JL Wells Nevada City Cal William H Dorr George B llaverstic Lincoln J C Sullivan Sul-livan Eureka Mrs Martha Ilognman Miss S R Hogaman T Hogaman Michigan F M Footc Evanston Wyo E W Hodges Texas William llcnnesy Denver Carrie Dodd Spokane Spo-kane Nils Johnson Nebraska Swen O Niolson Fairview David Fcrrlss Jolict III 0 Kenyon E Cosgriff Rawllns Wyo W J Allen Denver R E Spurgcon rates Center Kan J A Ilenjum Minneapolis M E Brlggs San Francisco W M McMlllen Boston C H Ball Portland Mr and Mrs Alt Washington Chicago F W Taylor Po catcllo M Fosdlck San Francisco George Dawson Chicago George W Stolle Philadelphia Mr and Mrs J M Stanley Chicago W H Bennett Toledo C H Soiier Evanston Wyo S M Barlow Cincinnati George Alns lie Boise Ida L E Allen Colfax I 1 Wash George Murphy St Louis Steve Brody Will Newell New York John Doyle John II F Peck W E GJlbert Los Angeles Henry Bromer H JL > Moorman New York Afr Johnston John-ston and wife Miss Rotstock Anaconda Ana-conda George R Stoney Provo Bert Scott Helena A L > Trenam Lost River Ill W S Hall Mercur M O Lonnor Anaconda R D H Vroom Vow York John J Sloan and wife Chl cago C C Priest Denver E R South Randolph Carl S S Smith Kansas City 1 a S Walker Mrs J M Smith Chicago W J Kelly Cheyenne Wyo L Mc Farland Fred Mitchell Mercur J WU cox Manning William Humsey Denver Den-ver Cole II R Jacobs Castle Gate O Y Barnard Qulncy Ill Mrs G W 3ord George P Bord Reading PaC Pa-C F Tldman Pleasant Grove J A Hunt Eureka W II Ramsey and wife Mercur William M Beckett Missouri Elizabeth Johnson Ada Johnson Lox ngton Neb L J Jordan La Grande Or Homer Williams Sari Francisco IT J Cramer Manning L L Wood and wife Mercur John Butcr Mor gata England James F Dunn Oak Icy Ida E II Fernald Romej L E Chrlstensen Evanston Wyo N Benson Ben-son Denver B L Leo Ogden W Taylor John Roberts Helper F Johnson John-son Sclplo C Y Babcock Lomma van J S Watson Chicago Royal Williams Mill Creek IL E Knees Leadvllle h Wer Misses McIntosh Ouray ColoR Colo-R W Glllcsple Omaha P D Twohy Anaconda H E Falrweathor Mrs J Pahweather Chicago Laura Thorp Mrs Herbert M Thorp Marion Knit James B Glass and wife Miss Susie Glass San Antonio Tex E B Whiting Hot Springs Ark Nash E Pallcy and wife St Louis E E Delapalnther and wife Now YorkO O U White House II H llallaway Charles Dimmick Silver City Miss K M Nelson Provo H Price Arizona Miss S Warburton Tooele F B Thompson and wife Denver The Dod rlckson and wife Miss Dcdrickson and party Miss Manhurt A J Schnelter und wife Eureka N Rockhill and par ty A Hulsh and family Payson J J Bunks Pleasant Fork S Roche Ce dar City J Price Cedar City C An derson and wife Spanish Fork Miss Maud Moylc Miss D D Wood Miss Mabel Jones Eureka Mrs D Egbert and family Provo CF Ercanbrach and wife Silver City J B Hughes and party J F Morgan Spanish Fork A Cayocca Ophlr J W Meranda Miss Stevens Spanish Fork W Griffin and wife Mercur S H Clark Grnntsvlllc J II Driscoll Eureka Fred Tuttle Mantl Fred Hebcrnan Iowa Jamcn Werden Pleasant Grove J Prnslich George Williams AV Morrow AV Av lett and wife Lehi J H Bellmefc Kansas City H M Nieholls San Francisco John P Brmvn Town A C Nelson Mantl S J Rogers Bingham James W Imlay C L Reding Pan guiteh Frank Bennett A ChafTin Prlcp Mrs N Shepherd Oregon John Wai tors Denver Cole O G Benson Otto Benson Grantsvillc |