Show BIG PURCHASE OF WOOL James E Clinton Buys 700000 Pounds Which Will Make a Shipment Ship-ment of Thirtyeight Carloads A big wool deal was closed up yesterday yes-terday when James E Clinton for Hecht Llebmann Co of Boston tied up 700000 pounds or about thirtythree carload Tho price paid for the wool was not given as it was taken on consignment con-signment but the advance payments made mean the distribution of over 100000 to the various sellers The wool tafne from the following growers and will be sent to Boston by way of i the Rock Island route i Deserct Livestock Live-stock company 325000 pounds Wrath all clip 125000 Hatch Bros 15000 Egan clip 25000 Anderson t Bates 125000 Robbins Bros 60000 This Is the first big lot of wool that has been sent on consignment for sometime some-time but It Is believed that other shipments I ship-ments will soon be made as there seems to be a disposition on the part of both buyer and seller to come closer together than for some time past |