Show KOOSHAHEM WANTED Sovier County Puts In Her Claim Piute County Salaries Fixed Junction July 11Tue County Commissioners Commis-sioners met Monday and Tuesday of this week for the purpose of fixing tile salhir los for the next two years and other business There were but slight changes made except In tho salary of the County Attorney which was reduced from 100 to 200 per annum Their action In ibis regard practically abolishes the office of County Attorn6y for there Is not an attorney at-torney In the county who will accept lie office at the killer llgure The other changes made were Commissioners raised from 75 to 80 per annum County Recorder Re-corder raised from T30 to WO County Assessor reduced from 300 to 2GO The balance of the Incoming officers will receive re-ceive the same as the present Incumbents I e Clerk 1550 Treasurer 100 Sheriff 350 Surveyor z0 Fish and Game Warden 10 Superintendent of Schools lfXX Senor county claims Koosharen as her own and while It has multiplied expanded expand-ed and prospered under Its foster parent Pluto county Us citizens getting their share of nourishment from the public crib Savior now clnhns thai It has only been an adopted child and wo must permit per-mit It to return to Us true and only par Cut though It wrings toars of blood from us to do so for this reason County Attorney At-torney Erlckson of Scvler county met with the Commissioners Monday and asked that County Surveyor Henry be directed to Join Sevlcrs Surveyor and run Ito north boundary line of Pluto county Tho order was made and we will anxiously anx-iously await the result of survey A J Sargcant Democrat was appoInted ap-pointed registry agent of Bullion precinct vice Jerry Donnles resigned TIm Commissioners agreed to appropriate appro-priate 200 to assist In building a road from Marysvale to Gold Mountain when It was shown that the citizens had con tributed enough with this to complete the road between those two nolnts |