Show PERRY HEATH CHOSEN Elected Secretary Republican National Committee II J WILL RESIGN PRESENT PLACE Accepts the Position at Earnest Solicitation Soli-citation of Prominent Republicans New Executive Committee is I Announced by Chairman Hanna Resolutions Passed Expressing Regret Re-gret at tho Retirement of Secretary Dick Mr Heath will Resign from Postoffice Department in Ten Days Cleveland 0 July 13An Important political conference attended bYL number of prominent Republican leaders lead-ers was held at Senator Hannas office I of-fice here today The meeting was called i by Mr Hanna to discuss and dccldQ upon the personnel of the now executive execu-tive committee and to name a secretary secre-tary oC the national committee to succeed suc-ceed Gen Charles F Dick Among those present were Chairman Jianna Cornelius N Bliss Perry S Heath Charles F Dick Henry C Payne Charles F Dawes Myron T Herrlek R C Kerrens Graeme Stewart N B Scott Harry S New and Frederick Glbbfl NEW EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE I After a prolonged conference Iho executive committee was selected as follows M A Hanna of Cleveland chairman Henry C Payne of Milwaukee Milwau-kee WIs vicechairman Perry SHeath S-Heath of Muncie Ind secretary Cor nelius N Bliss of New York treasurer treas-urer Graeme Stewart of Chicago Richard Rich-ard C Kerens of St Louis Mnt Joseph IF Manlcy of Augusta Me Senator N B Scott of Wheeling W VAt Fred crick S Gibbs of New York Franklin Murphy otT Elberton N J Harry S I New of Indianapolis Ind With the exception of Joseph H Manlcy and Franklin Murphy all the members of the committee were at the meeting yesterday yes-terday mornIng The two sessions of the committee today were devoted mainly to a mooting moot-ing place of the campaign The selection selec-tion of an advisory committee was thoroughly considered Senator Hanna stated that an advlsojy committee would be composed of about twelve members selected from headquarters where there are likely to be close contests con-tests between the Republicans and Democrats LOCATION OF HEADQUARTERS The committee work as in 1896 will be carried on from the headquarters l in New York and Chicago Tho following follow-ing members of the committee will be located at New York Cornelius N Bliss Joseph H lane Senator Scott Frederick S Gibbs and Franklin MurPhy Mur-Phy PhyGraeme Graeme Stewart Henry C Payne R C Kerrs and Harry S New will beat be-at the Chicago headquarters Senator Hanna will be at the New York headquarters head-quarters continually from the latter part of this month until September 1st until which time he will divide his time between New York and Chicago VACANCY IS FILLED The executive committee chose Col M T Herrick of this city to fill the vacancy on the national committee by the resignation of George B Cox of Cincinnati Tho committee late this afternoon renewed re-newed the lease for the rooms occupied as headquarters in the Metropolitan Life Insurance building New York Messrs Payno and Stewart were instructed In-structed to look over the ground In 1 Chicago with a view to securing a location loca-tion for the national committee In that city It Is expected tho Chicago headquarters head-quarters will be opened during the coming month NO SPECIAL BUREAUS The committee after considerable discussion dis-cussion decided to maintain no special bureaus during the coming campaign In 1Sf16 a number of these Including nogro German and womans bureaus were operated as auxiliaries to the national I na-tional headquarters This work will be assumed now by the officers of the several committees SECRETARY DICK RESIGNS The resignation of Secretary Charles F Dick was received and accepted nnd the following resolution was adopted The national Republican executive committee received with sincere and deep regret the resignation of Hon Charles F Dick secretary or the committee com-mittee The resignation cornea as the result of his election by the Ohio Republican Re-publican State central commIttee and the call of the party of the State lo lead them In this Important campaign and Is recognized as the desire of the party organization of the Stale The Republican national committee and the party at large are under obligations lo Gen Dick for efficient effective loyal and indefatigable service In accepting this resignation the committee defers to the judgment of Gen Dick that he can best serve his party by devoting his entire en-tire time and energy to tho partys Interests In-terests in Ohio the homo of the President Presi-dent dentIl It Is the understanding of the executive execu-tive committee that President McKInley McKIn-ley also requested Gen Dick to take charge of the Ohio campaign ADVISORY COMMITTEE Mr Hanna stated that the personnel of an advisory committee was under consideration but that It would not be announced for ten days or two weeks It was also said lhat all of the mOm bera of the old national committee of ISflij rcquc sled President MeKinley lo consent to the resignation of Mr Heath as First Assistant PostmasterGeneral in I order that he might become the secretary sec-retary of the national committee The President IL was added strongly demurred de-murred to this proposition until today when ho finally gave his consent Mr Heath will lender his icslgnullon to the President In about a week or ten clays PERRY HEATH SECRETARY In an Interview this afternoon First Assistant PostmasterGeneral Heath said to an Associated Prcas correspondent correspond-ent The subject which culminated to day In my selection as secretary of the Republican national committee was first broached to me by Chairman Hanna Han-na and was renewed with much earnestness ear-nestness and Insistency al the Phila delphia convention At first I i was very much averse to taking up this work knowing what ll meant In volume and character President McKlnley did not wish mu to quit my position In the Postolllce department I was summoned fiom Maine on Saturday Sat-urday last to go lo Cleveland by Chairman Chair-man Hanna and requested to attend a meeting of the executive committee here today Here tho subject won renewed re-newed by all the members of the executive exec-utive committee In such a personal and earnest manner thnt 1 consented to un dertake the work WILL TENDER RESIGNATION When united as lo his Intentions re spooling his resignation us First Assistant j Assist-ant PostmasterGeneral Mr Heath said At Canton yesterday 1 Calked I with the President and Postmaster General Smith and will reno the sub 1 ject with the PostmaslerGencral on Monday My service with the committee com-mittee I presume will be needed as soon aM thud headquaridrs are opened the lat hem part of this month iJ Concerning Mr Heaths resignation au First ttsHlstant PosimasterGenernl I Senator Hanna said this afternoon 1 that In conversation with the President Presi-dent at Canton the latter expressed deep regret thai the committee deemed It necessary for Mr Heath to leave his position In the Poutofllce department where he rendered such satisfactory service and expressed the greatest confidence con-fidence In and admiration for Mr Heath h both officially and personally He nls0 staled that the most cordial expressions In the same direction were made by PostmasterGeneral Smith and that Mr Heath did not accept the I secretaryship of the national committee commit-tee until after he had frequently and personally Insisted I |