Show TALKS WITH TRAVELERS ExNational Democratic Committeeman Committee-man George Ainslie of Boise is a guest at the jKenyon en route from attendance attend-ance on the Kansas City convention to the mineral springs In Monterey county coun-ty Cal for hls health He has been unable to sleep during the heated nights prevailing back East but finds the nights In this climate conducive to Test He said yesterday Last night was the Hrst night 1 have been able to sleep for some time I will try a bath In the lake tomorrow I retired from the national committee on account of my health and will now take good care of myself until In better health In response to questions Mr Ainslie said I feel confident that Fred Dubois will be the next Senator that is Ifn Democratic Legislature is elected which will undoubtedly be done Steunenberg stands no show His suppression of the riots In I the Coeur dAlencs was all right enough but his permit stcm is bywno moans indorsed I dont think It should be left with any executive or any ofllcer to say whether a man shall be permitted to earn a living 1 The trouble with the Governor Is that he has become too big for his party and when that happens tQ a man the time has come for his party to drop him like old Grover Cleveland Steunenberg has bought a band of sheep and may now turn Republican So Bartlett Sinclair has gone over to the Republicans Well ho has been disappointed In not getting some office let him go the fusionists can do very well without him We are bound to carry the State this fall anyway When asked what he thought of Shoiip Mr Ainslie remarked Shoup Is a good man even if he Is Republican and If the next Legislature Republican he will be reelected Senator I knew Shoup back In Civil war times He I went in as Lieutenant of a Colorado regiment became LieutenantColonel i I and did a good deal toward cleaning out the desperadoes along the Mexican border bor-der He has worked hard for Idaho If a Republican is to be the next Senator dont know of a man whom I would prefer to Shoup S as We have Just raised 513275 for the Scolleld sufferers In Malacl Ida said J S Schwartz at the Knutsford yesterday yes-terday from two entertainments given under the directionof Miss W J Mor rison and myself and the money will be turned over to Gov Thomas for dis tribution Our Malad people are much I Interested In promised telephone connection con-nection with Colllnston as this improvement im-provement will prove a great help to I our graingrowers At present we are obliged to haul thirtytwo miles to Col linston or to Corinne before we can find out what prices can be had and sometimes it is necessary to ship clear to Ogden before making any sales But with a telephone growers can ascertain prices before hauling away a pound of grain or produce The wheat crop this season will be average but the hay very heavy the ruling price being 350 per ton We consume con-sume tho entire crop at Imbrue In feed ing the 200000 sheep in our county Oneida county wool is among the best In the market and the bulk of this years clip has gone at 20 cents contracted con-tracted for last fall A few growers who neglected to contract then for their I wool are now scratching their backs with more or less anguish S a a The present status of the wool mar ket Is the natural result of natural waiting for the elections remarked Theodore Davis of St Louis at the Knutsfoid yesterday This is Presi dential year ahd woolen manufacturers manufactur-ers about to bflter on business operations opera-tions maturing next year want to wait and see how the elections come out be fore taking decisive steps If McKInley Is reelected the market will become brisk again and prosperity will reign Bryans election would mean disaster to the American woolgrowers Growers have no occasion to kick even with wool at 1213 cents Is that not better than KffS cents and lambs at sixbits prices obtaining under the last Democratic administration Utah wool men should think twice before voting for Bryan London gales have been strengthen ing for tho last few days and the general gen-eral I market looks more and more like McKinley i S > t S Cherity Creek will be very short of I water this summer said Manager J H Marriott of the Osceola Placer company 1 com-pany yesterday at the Cullen on account ac-count of the scarcity of snow in the hills We have a dry washer at work I but that will not hanrllo tho lt1o nf n hill or do the work like water Then I our fruits were about all killed off by the late frosts leaving only apples unin 1 jured Wo will havo a good croD of apples Mr Marriott brought to St Marks hospital for treatment M Janeskl of the Star mine who had both legs broken last March in a cavein One leg Is entirely well but the other is obstinate and slow In healing The Star people have done everything they possibly could for the patient |