Show EDITORIAL PITH The Chinese bands cannot play Thero l Bo a Hot Time in tho Old Town Tonight Thats one comfort for tho missionaries says the Rochester Herald The Chicago Record thinks It must be admitted that tho Democratic politicians are trying to kill tho Populist party as painlessly as possible e A Texas preacher has been ousted from his pulpit because he went to n bullfight bull-fight on Sunday In tho grand march of progress thcue Texans are getting just too particular for anything says the Denver Den-ver Republican a Tn the opinion of the Sl Louis Globe Democrat the I man who wrote the I Kansas Kan-sas City platform had his thesaurus with him We denounce condemn oppose arraign stigmatize upbraid and otherwise other-wise brand censure and protest against the dangers that threaten u free country a S According lo LImo Chicago TlmcsIIcrald thero Is I a PIgg family In Missouri that In related by marrlago to exGo Hogg of Toxas The family tree of time PJpgs and time Hoggs must consist mainly of roots o < The Philadelphia Ledger asks J In I It well to Keep I alive the memory nf the massacre of Wyoming as Is done by commemorative commemora-tive exercises overy year Whht good Is done by recalling annually the Incidents of that dreadful 3rd o July li when a force of British Indians and Tories murdered mur-dered In cold blond a largo body of men women and children It was a fearful episode of war but what Is I to he gained by dwelling on It nearly a century and a quarter after it occurred f |