Show BITS OF COLOR A COWBOYS WISIL I wish I wuz a lyln1 In tho prairie grass tornlRht A wlnkln I i hllnkln at the atarn a shlnln bright With my 11Cill upon my naddlo and my old siTipc tfiiy Wound nil around my shoulders Jest tfir keep time chill away Time quietude Is norCoct and yer happlnosa complete With the valley brocrefl brlngln ycr n perfume ntrangcly sweet Yet Hcem an close Itt all Iho light I a sllln Yea In u < > nn high IAn IAn I-An even tho coyotes yelp IB Just a liillorhy I Yor all alone the little hunch o critters I on the ranpo I Is company enough for mo Id never tcr want or change An besides the pup an bosses Is tho best old frlonds 1 got rot An Id spend my life right with em fcr 1 jest as Hove n9 not TliorR birds out on Iho prorlo an thorfi flowers an timers air An JowerM never aint no trouble an ther6 l never aint no care An a feller Is 3 llvln1 like a King tho wholo day long As ho listens lo tho music of old natures na-tures sweetest songS song-S C C Tlio City of Mexico Is nlarmod over time scarcity o servant girls Tho Idea of Mexico howling for greasers c I A NAPA NAP-A n afterNoon after-Noon nap Is the best thing Anybody Can take on these Hoi days and there Is only One reason why such a thing Cannot bo taken Of coinso tho couch Is hot And tho PorfiporHwcatlon Puts moro beads on you Than you can find on n Glass of beer and tho Breeze Refuses to 2 Blow itself or else Makes a dust catcher outr Of your oyes and mouth And you tnko cold i I you turn on the Electric fan but l these things Wouldnt matter And a fellow i Could have A nice I r r Quiet f Nap If It wasnt for r That I I Ono fly < I Ever think of that c b S BROUGHT UP TO DATL Miss Democracy Muffet Salon a luffet Eating n crow ono day But there camo a rough rider Who sat down beside her And frightened 5 the lat nwayi SHERLOCK HOLLIES I Ahh ejaculated young Sherlock ns ho observed a young lady who sat down near by Then turning to his companion ho remarked Some one hat been holdIng hold-Ing that young citizens hand But Sherlock replied thC other that t Is a mean assertion unless you know lr do Ill tel you why Do you notice time soft light In those deep gray eyes That tells Immediately lhat something hams happened Now notice across the back of tho hand do you see how the red sinrt white marks alternate abruptly That shows he was not gentle but very ardont Now look it the Inside of tho HnKerx next to the ono with the big marquise ring on It Do you see how lime I tender flesh has been Indented by tho metal Walt end Ill convince you fully Arising Sherlock stepped to the young woman addressed her then taking her hand gallantly stooped and kissed It Some ono has been holding your hand ho said iWho told you she asked then blushed at hor own confession lOr F dotoclod the faint odor of cigarettes as I kissed your lingers or else 1 would never have known WRITTEN BADLAI A man by time queer name of Adlal AVIll shortly bo wiser and tuidlal And time gang Democratic TiThat was so erratic Fvijl regret It stampeded 50 madlul u S WPIATS BRED IN THE BONE Watch a crowd of men register l at a hotel and you can pick out the mucl < ers by the t way they give their things to tho bell hop A corset waist covers a multitude of sIn rime stickiest looking girls aro the ones that make It a point to tell you how often they bathe Some girls dont have enough clothes bpcau I hot spoml all their money hav inc their pictures I taken Tell n girl sho has a pretty skin and shell never again have her stockings darned Some men die young but most of them get married TOD GOODWIN |