Show THE MINETIMBER ORDERS Indignation at the Restrictions of Land Agent Sowers The notice which Is being served on the consumers of mining timber by Percy Sowers the newly Initialed agent of the General Land olllce In which the miner is admonished that he will be required to pay the Government Govern-ment for the use of all timber that i has been Improperly cut from the pub lie domain has aroused much indignation j indigna-tion There Is probably not an ore producer Jn the State who has not atone at-one time or another innocently purchased pur-chased timber for use in his mines that was cut upon mineral land and if I the purchaser Is required to reimburse iW the Government on an assumption that the timbers are all contraband there is scarce telling where the mischief j will end The consumer has not been in the habit of asking for an abstract of title with each stick of timber that was offered for sale and just how I many sticks have been unlawfully removed il re-moved from mineral land even the 1 land agent must find It difficult to de termine What the consumer would like to ascertain Is where was the agent when all this timberthieving was going on and it the Innocent purchaser pur-chaser Is to be called upon to relm Lm burs the Government because the agent failed to apprehend the marau der and brand his stolen wares 1 One of the effects of the crusade is already seen In the temporary disable meat of the Coconlno Mining company operating In southern Utah on the banks of the Colorado river A smel l ter with which to reduce its ores has i been erected and would have been in l operation before this but complaint wan dispatched to Washington that fl the company was burning a handful of timber with which to procure fuel pending the arrival of coke and an order came back to arrest the entire crowd No one had been thrust behind Iron bars at the hour of going to press but the crusade has momentarily blocked the enterprise upon which nearly 100000 has been expended and thrown over forty persons out of em ployment No one associated with the enterprise Intends any Injury to the forests that the Government itself knowing the circumstances would not have sanctioned and yet an under taking that promised a foundation for another thrifty mining camp Is I side tracked Ferguson Anderson who have boon furnishing the Morcur mines with timber say they did it with the con sent of a land agent who held that the mines were entitled to timber upon the Oqulrrh and other ranges 1C it Is the intention of the new agent to In stitute proceedings against Innocent purchasers It has been suggested that In future he be required to brand nil timbers that the buyer may distinguish between what may and may not be bought |