Show TRANSVAAL MINERAL OUTPUT according to the statement issued by the abines department the mineral output of th the e transvaal south africa for the month of august was as follows gozs value gold silver tons C coal oa I 1 base metals other than coal total compared with ilie the cretu returns ans for july the following increases and decreases are shown increase decrease f gold silver 2 7 coal 2885 base metals total decrease gold output the following table shows the number of mines working in the various districts of the transvaal declaring gold and the district outputs in august no saps tube district of at mills fine fin e at gold mines ark ark gozs 64 heidelberg 2 2 Klerks dorp 5 GO 60 4 2921 Otto shoop 1 10 0 barberton 17 4 pilgrims rest 17 2 burg 1 5 0 totals tor for Transvaal july totals coal output the following is a summary of the operations erat ions of the transvaal coal mines dur ing the month no of value district collieries Colli eries tons tons per ton product mind sold mouth springs brakman s d area 5 5 8 middleburg 15 2936 34 4 6 other districts 9 9 4 2 29 4 7 other minerals particulars of the minerals other than gold coal and diamonds produced in the transvaal during the month of august quantity estimated tons of 2000 lbs value C copper ore tin ore 48 2 33 22 50 F flint lint 1504 lime graphite total value labor returns the following is a comparative return showing the average number of persons in the service gervice of the companies and companies contractors during 1911 white native january february march april may june july august |