Show FARMER A successful MINER record ely nev it is not often that a rancher turns to mining but IV D campbell of steptoe valley has long been a shining exception to the rule mr campbell has one of the best ranches in the valley and is also the possessor of a gold mine which earns big money when it is worked mr campbell has constructed a 5 stamp mill which is run by water power during the crop season he uses the water for irrigating his ranch property but after the crop is laid away he utilizes the water to grind out golden bricks at the present time he is treating from three to five tons of ore per day which averages about 16 per ton net he works only two men at the mine and employs a driver and one team hauling ore which is is dumped directly into an automatic feeder As everything works automatically mr campbell runs the mill himself and has time to look after his other business on the ranch besides he visits the mill about every hour to see that everything is working smoothly and then goes on with his ranch work this has been his custom for several years and during the fall months he ships many golden bricks to the U S mints just how many he has never said but there is no question that for the number of men employed and the money invested in equipment he has the best dividend paying property in nevada or probably in the entire world M mr r campbell is also che owner of several silver lead mines in the granite district and now has several cars of high grade orel ore ready for shipment |