Show POWER FOR prospecting in many of the mining camps of the west it is now possible to utilize electric power in mine operation and there is hardly a camp of importance that is not fully covered with power lines the use of electric power however has very largely been confined to large companies and big operators the thought of applying such motive force to the development of a prospect hardly ever occurring to the claim owner now however with such favorable conditions existing there is no reason why electricity should not prove an important factor in prospect development as electric generating plants are so numerous in the west and their feeders stretch out in so many directions and cover so wide a field that power for claim development should be within the reach of nearly every of every small company in colorado according to advices advises from ouray the telluride power company has made a generous offer to claim holders and small mine operators which we believe will be generally accepted the offer we understand is to furnish electric current at per horsepower per day this to be used in mine development only and not in the extraction of ore this price it is stated is less than one half of the regular rate and the current can be used by one man or company up to 12 horsepower horse power a day if such a proposition were made to the mine and claim owners of utah we can see where its acceptance would lead to much greater activity in many of our mining camps there are several electric power companies in utah every one of which have lines into our leading districts and these could be tapped by short pole lines carrying the fluid to partially developed properties which are now handicapped by lack of power and by the excessive costs of hand drilling we would like to see electric power placed within the reach of every claim owner every prospector in the state |