Show KNOWING HOW it makes no difference how high a salary a mine superintendent a mine manager a foreman or an engineer is paid if he does not know how his services are practically valueless or even worse than nothing to know how does not entirely depend upon a mans education he may be a graduate from one of our leading mining schools and yet be absolutely unfitted for the work he has in hand or he may have scarcely passed through the common schools and yet be exceedingly proficient in his chosen occupation cu or profession A mine superintendent may have been engaged in mining for years and yet not know how to take out ore economically or profitably and he may not know how to handle men to the best advantage A foreman may be a poor judge of rock and formation and fall to take advantage of a change in formation which might lead to the uncovering of ore he may not know how to catch up caved ground or he may follow prehistoric methods in mine development such being the case he is a poor investment for the company as also is the superintendent who is over him and the manager who takes still higher rank they may all be good men but they do not know and because they do not know the company employing them is virtually throwing away its money the mine owner makes slow and unsuccessful progress in the way of development and operation and many valuable properties are eventually abandoned as being worthless while the mining industry is given another black eye knowing how is everything in mining as well as in other industries and its importance cannot be better illustrated than in the recital of an incident wherein a mining company was compelled to suspend operations for nearly a week and at a great financial loss because the mine pump was out of order and no one ab about ut the mine was able to repair it at last in desperation the company sent for an expert engineer and pump man in half an hour after his arrival the pump was working as good if not better than ever before the company was pleased with results but horrified at the size of the bill which was for 2525 and requested an itemized bill when it was received it read as follows for fixing the pump 25 cents for knowing how 25 the bill was paid without the slightest objection |