Show since the completion of the gilmore pittsburg railway in lemhi leahi county idaho two mines have shipped more than worth of lead silver ore there are no mills in the camp and mining appliances are of the simplest character the veins are nearly vertical fissures in lime developed now to feet they contain ore bodies twenty to thirty feet thick the formation is dry at the deepest point yet attained and the ores all occur in carbonate form the pitts burg idaho and latest out are the principal shippers they are sending 1000 to tens of ore monthly to salt lake smelters shelters sm elters the district is mineralized over a large area and contains three other occasional shippers the smuggler mining company of american fork utah held its annual meeting nie eting recently and elected officers and directors as follows J L forbes president john brynes vice president joseph treasurer R L herrick secretary E P jones E wilson and joseph jones the property of the company which is a most promising one is located in american fork canyon |