Show published semimonthly semi monthly by will C higgins and A B greeson P 0 box 1137 both phones 2902 office rooms atlas block west second south street WILL C 1116 HIGGINS GINS editor A 13 GREESON nu business miness manager sub subscription s n rates antea one year six months 1 50 single copy 15 foreign countries in the postal union subscription payable in advance en entered november 29 1902 at salt lake city utah as second class matter under act of congress of march 3 advertising rates advertising rates furnished on application advertising agencies DENVER colorado the national advertising co quincy building NEW YORK frank presby co general gener 1 advertising agents 37 3 7 west street SOUTHERN california hammans advertising ver agency south pasadena cala SAN FRANCISCO W W ross co publishers special representative 1006 call building san francisco cala 1 i lv 1 ni I 1 I 1 X |