Show IDAHO silver city nugget most encouraging is the lookout in the recent development at the banner the ore being taken out at the foot level is of unusual values allowing a few more days for verification we shall next week publish an extended account of the work being done and the results being obtained mackay miner many of the miners who have been around town for the past few weeks during the annual settlement period are now gong balck back to the empire copper company mines and resuming work on cn their leases most all of which have been renewed for another year after having so many men about town for several weeks it seems somewhat quiet now but their drilling means more prosperity for our city in the future wallace miner work is going on satisfactorily at the property of the tuscumbia cumbia and the second carload of ore is being hauled to bunn station eight miles from the mine and indications are that regular shipments may be made from now on if the management desires it is thought that the tonnage ton nage will be increased in a short time and that there will be sufficient ore in sight to make tonnage enough to justify the building of a branch line to the railroad silver city nugget the portland tunnel of the dennerstein erstein which is located on florida mountain silver city is now in over feet and energetic development work cork is still going on rails ties and timber has been laid in sufficient for the win ter use and work will be continued all winter specifications have just been received for a new bury five drill air compressor from the mine aline smelter supply company of salt lake the machine will be installed in the spring it will be run by electric power |