Show COLORADO la plata miner henry thomas frenchy has struck another rich vein of ore in a new workings on his duke property on lewis mountain ore taken from surface droppings crop pings gave assays essays of ounces in gold and ounces in silver to the ton ouray herald the last car from the schultz group which is believed to be the west extension of the bachelor dike went better than ounces silver and 40 per cent lead the six inch streak of rich ore has persisted for more than thirty feet and continues stronger than ever in the breast four men are driving ahead and the ore is being sacked for another shipment la plata miner the houser brothers owners of the verno group of claims situated between root and bay city gulches now have about ten tons of ore ready for shipment to the smelter this ore will average about to the ton mostly gold they have recently completed a good trail from the wagon road in the canyon to their properties a quarter of a mile distant the ore has been opened up on the surface workings for a distance of feet idaho springs mining gazette R E farmer and james smith seem to have solved the puzzle of santa fe mountain they have a discovery that has all the marks of a veritable bonanza and are get ing remarkable assays essays the latest test showed ounces silver and 40 ounces gold per ton the values had been increasing from day to day as the drift on the vein got nearer the soil formation and now the vein is in place and shows a continuous streak of the high grade ore georgetown courier operations at the linn property at the lower end of town are progressing nicely the mill is working steadily on ore from the mine a short way up democrat mountain and a fine grade of concentrates is being produced the tram is now busily at work bringing the ore to the mill and the short tram which is being put in to connect it with the upper workings is rapidly nearing hearing completion A force of six men is kept busy in the mine in breaking ore and doing development work and it is expected that in a short time more men will find employment in ih the workings boulder miner dr 0 B frantz general manager of the tungsten mountain mining and milling company and frank robertson superintendent of the companas comp anys mill on beaver creek are pushing development work on the mammoth and elsie veins of the group recently taken over by their company with two shifts and are output ing steadily the 20 tons daily capacity of the mill which is running eight hour shifts the mill is doing very satisfactory work the recent carload shipment giving 68 per cent tungsten acid six of those interested te rested in the company were looking over the property during the week and expressed themselves as pleased with the outlook L 0 |