Show california yreka areka journal it is reported that two portland men who have been prospecting for some time near the Do nemore ranch which is owned by joe freshour and which is located near the summit of the about two miles from the boundary of oregon have struck a very rich ledge that goes not less than and as high as in tellurium the ledge is between five and six feet wide they have sunk three shafts redding free press the golinsky group of copper mines near kennett was sold today for to german capitalists through george bayha the well known mine promoter of this county mr bayha has been in germany for three months negotiating the deal that was closed in redding this afternoon when mr and mrs bernhard golinsky of kennett the former owners signed the deeds in the law offices of W D tillotson and when they received a substantial payment in cash the deeds are ready to record and would have been recorded this afternoon but for the half holiday georgetown gazette development work is being pushed forward ht at the bright hope mine superintendent J N lawson expects to encounter the vein ein in the tunnel within the next twenty five feet the shaft is down eighty feet samples taken from the shaft assay from 6 to 12 per ton an average mill test of ten tons of ore taken from the bottom of the shaft produced or per ton the tunnel when connected with the shaft will give a backing of over feet the vein in the shaft is from six to fourteen feet wide and the dright bright hope promises to develop into one of the richest mines on the mother lode |