Show THE OUTLOOK in our comments under this heading in tile the last issue of the mining review we gave some facts and figures that offered encouragement coura gement to preach good times coming already we can see evidences of coming good times there is a very marked change in tile the attitude towards business ventures and there are certain indications of a restoration st oration of confidence first the general stock market is recuperating cupe rating gaining both in strength and activity the upward movement is well sustained and there is now a healthy tone which promises better things there iscer is certainly a turn in the tide attention is again given to the investment stocks which some e weeks ago was given to bonds more particularly second out of about active stocks on the new york market fully per cent were waxe at the lowest point this year between august and november 2nd and fully nine tenths of these sold at the lowest prices during the month of september of all these stocks there are not more than ten whose low prices for the week ended november ad are not higher than the lowest before for the year this is very significant ant of the fifty seven leading mining stocks on the boston exchange only four show no gain and these have held steady third the steel trade is looked upon as an index of the general industrial conditions dit ions the earnings for the third quarter for the present year were a gain of considerably more than over the quarter ended june the stock quickly recovered from tle the drop following the announcement of the suit of the united states against the great corporation fourth the report of the bureau of statistics of the government for the first nine months of this year show a value of of manufactured goods exported from the united states if this rate is maintained for the last quarter of the year the exports of manufactured goods will about reach the mark the increase for the first nine months of this year over the corresponding period of last year was 1748 per cent in 1901 these exports amounted to and in 1891 to only this is a record of which we may be proud again we say and with emphasis we may take heart and proclaim good times coming |